I am also looking forward for these two features simultaneously. This will really open new doors. Is there some workaround? As far as I tried to figure out - no. However, I would be pleased to know that I'm wrong.
I am also missing this feature. But really hope there will be a solution in near future. Apps like “Wanna Kicks” show that it is possible to do.
struct ContentView: View {
		@State private var yourText: String = "YOUR PLACEHOLDER TEXT"
		var body: some View {
				TextEditor(text: $yourText)
I have the same issue. I just put the TextEditor outside of the Form. Hope they will fix it.
I have encountered the same issue. Changing to storyboard will not help. When you set back to swift UI the checkboxes disappear. It is annoying. I need Core Data for my apps. Apple has shown so many "amazing" things and nobody even mentioned, that lacking Core Data in Swift UI would be a great drawback.
Making apps like "which books do I read now" makes not much sense. I need much more data than 7 book titles.
I hope they will change it.
If You want to make delete rows possible, you can add .onDelete modifier to the ForEach loop. You cannot apply this modifier to Lists, this is why it is better to use a ForEach loop inside the List.
I think the line
ForEach(0..<decks.filter{$0.heroClass == yourClass}.count)
ist the problem. First of all, use ' , id: \.self ' after count, before the closing bracket - but this will not solve the problem.
The second thing is, that Your "filtering" is only producing the smaller "count" number, but You still address the whole "decks" array, and it will show only several first results of the array (the number will be equal to how many matches were found), but not the ones, You want to show, as I suppose.
Also please try to unpack ' $0.heroClass ' like this: ' $0.heroClass ?? "" '
Hope I could help.