




Reply to Create a realtime AuAudioAudio with custom buffer size
When the render block is called, pull enough input to fill your 2048-byte buffer, then copy the requested number of frames to the output. On subsequent calls, either fulfill the request with data in your buffer, or re-fill your buffer as necessary. Could you clarify how to pull enough input to fill my 2048 block from upstream? Shall I call AURenderPullInputBlock() with 2048 frameCount? Or Shall I call multiple time in a single render block call? And also if the render block is asking for 512 frame, can I push 2048 instead? Thanks
Aug ’20
Reply to HDR Recording with AVCaptureVideoDataOutput
In AVCaptureDevice and AVCaptureSession, I set isVideoHDRSupported, automaticallyAdjustsVideoHDREnabled and automaticallyConfiguresCaptureDeviceForWideColor to be true. The received video data from captureOutput() is still sRGB (ITUR7092). The supportedColorSpaces from the device active format also only shows sRGB. I'm expecting it shall be either P3 or HLGBT2020. I feel both AVCaptureVideoDataOutput and the AVCaptureDevice(camera) may be still not ready yet.
Oct ’20