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The error is from the build during the Automatic Signing. Actually that process runs even without any Build requested. It appears that it is due to my own ignorance as I have just gotten it to work with bit of help from Apple. I had originally tried putting the UsageDescription into the .entitlements file. That was the cause of all the difficulty. Once I removed it from there and ensured it was in the Info section the signing completes successfully. Having it in both places caused an error. Sigh ... why isn't it ever easy? Bill W
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I am using Automatic Signing. That, actually, is where the problem is. Under my Target Capabilities I added (+ button) Homekit. That added the key for Homekit: YES to the .entitlements file automagically as well as added HomeKit as a Framework. It did not add any NSHomeKitUsageDescription key anywhere. I have added that manually to the Info tab under Custom iOS Target Properties. That should propagate to the Info.plist file and, in fact, it does do that. The problem is that the Automatic Signing is looking for NSHomeKitUsageDescription in the Provisioning Profile. It doesn’t exist in there and has no purpose being in there, it is not relevant at that time in the build process. And, additionally, there is no way to actually put it into the Provisioning Profile.
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Did that, doesn’t fix it. The error refers to the Provisioning Profile and there doesn’t seem to be a way to add the key there. Not that I think it belongs there; as you say, it belongs in Info.plist. I think it’s a signing bug and I have opened a support request with Apple.
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True but the new XCode projects do not include an Info.plist file, it is generated automagically during the build process from the .entitlements file and other things. I even tried adding an Info.plist but got an error from having duplicate files. I have submitted a bug report, a support request, and am downloading the latest XCode beta to see if that helps.
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To answer my own question ... you need to edit the right file. Things have changed with SIP and you need to be clearer about what you want to change./etc has always been an alias for /private/etc and it still is but /etc is on a read-only fiel system, /private/etc is not.sudo -e /private/etc/ssh/sshd_configis the correct way to make these changes.
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I am seeing the same but only in the Starting code, the Complete works for me in Preview. I'm running beta 5 though. I'll try beta 6 ...Edit: Upgraded to Beta 6 with similar results. I have submitted two preview debug reports through feedback.