
Post not yet marked as solved
6 Replies
The issue according to Apple is that there is a bug in IOS 15.7. The UIImage can not load bitmaps with depths/precision less than 24bits per pixel. They recommend using PNG files instead. It was not clear when they plan on fixing this if ever. I changed all my bitmaps to PNGs and the app worked flawlessly.
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6 Replies
Essentially same issue. My code is UIImage *image = [[UIImage alloc] initWithContentsOfFile: filename] filename is the path and name of the bitmap. When executed, image comes back as nil (under 15.7) The code runs without error on 15.6.1 and on IOS 16 but not under 15.7 I have a ton of users using iPad Mini 4 that can not update to 16 and there is no path back to IOS 15.6.1
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25 Replies
I submitted a feedback also today.
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The navController was not created in IB.I used <self.modalPresentationStyle=UIModalPresentationFullScreen;> within every VC wiewDidLoad as stated above.I had someone send me a test project with three pushed VCs and when he used popPopViewController:animated to return to previous VC it calls viewWillAppear on that VC. This is how my app worked before IOS 13 update. BTW, he used storyboard and the NavController was in the IB and ptresentation was set to automatic, which is even more confusing.If I launch an actual device instead of the simulator (and that device has IOS 13.3.1), it works perfectly and just as the simulators under previous versions worked. So I'm really at a loss. Not sure how dknudsen above found this as a solutiuon because he sounds exactly like me.I am implementing an AppDelegate for the views. I made that NavController fullscreen and the views related to that fullscreen with the AppDelegate but not sure if the order has something to do with it.Do you have an example of that notification method you suggested. HAve never used notification
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Hi, I am having exactly the same issue as you were using IOS 13.3 and Xcode 11.3. I'm using code to create navigationcontroller and XIB. I am using pushViewControllerI entered<self.modalPresentationStyle=UIModalPresentationFullScreen;>within each VC viewDidLoadThe ViewWillAppear still does not call when I popRootViewController or pop back to a previous VC.I am creating the naviagtioncontroller as the rootcontroller within AppDelegate. Can you provide me what you did to resolve this?
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I have a similar issue though I'm not using Swift.I have a perfectly working app on xcode (10.1) that runs in the simulators and actual devices.,I noticed that Apple is going to require xcode 11 this coming year built on IOS 13 SDK. This required me to buy a new computer. I installed the new xcode and downloaded the app thru GitHub. The simulator with 13.3 iphone X runs the app without any errors but the behavior is wrong.On the other computer running xcode 10.1 on an ipad Air 2 simulator, it goes to the signin screen where a user can enter his name. Then it shows a UIAlertview that the database needs to download to which the user presses OK and it downloads a demo database. On the iphone X simulator, it allows the entry of the user name and it registers within the online server, but it does not prompt with the UIAlertView nor does it start a database download. The screen switches back to the home screen but no data download prompt.I see other threads on this being a bug in 13.3. Any new news?