




How to address elements in an EnvironmentObject Array
I am new to programing apps, and I am trying to figure out how to use one item out of an array of items in a Text line. I am not getting any complaints from Xcode, but then the preview crashes giving me a huge error report that it keeps sending to Apple. I have cut out all the extra stuff from the app to get just the basics. What I want it to print on the screed is "Hello Bill How are you?" with Bill being from the observable array. The first picture below is about 2 seconds after I removed the // from in front of the line that reads Text("(friend2.friend2[1].name)"). The other two pictures are the main app page and the page where I setup the array. At the very bottom is a text file of the huge report it kept sending to Apple, until I turned of the option of sending to Apple. Would someone please explain what I am doing wrong. Well a side from probably everything. Error code.txt
Dec ’23