
Post marked as solved
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Answering myself for posterity: I forwarded the question to Apple Code Level Support. Their answer is, in summary: not possible at this time (June '23). The host determines the possible window dimensions, and plugins have no influence over these, nor can they suggest suitable dimensions to the host.
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As far as I'm aware AUv3 plugins can not host AUv3 plugins themselves. I have looked into this several times and it has never been possible as far as I know. Edit: I see you're specifically asking about MacOS. My experience is limited to iOS, where it certainly is not possible.
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I’m fairly sure that’s not the case. It’s really the UItextView component itself allocating the memoryNSError* error = nil;NSString* path = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"Example" ofType:@"txt"];NSString* content = [NSString stringWithContentsOfFile:path encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding error:&error];// no problem up to this point.myUITextView.text = content; // this adds over 110Mb of memory usage for a 50Kb text file.