Hi All,
First post here. I am new to SwiftUi & app development and im struggling with passing data between views & classes. I have been following a tutorial but i want to add further functionality as a good way for learning.
I have a weatherView with the following code
struct WeatherView: View {
@ObservedObject var weatherViewModel = WeatherViewModel()
private var city: Int = "2639577"
var body: some View {
ZStack {
VStack {
if weatherViewModel.stateView == .loading {
Show Loading
if weatherViewModel.stateView == .success {
DO something
This call my WeatherViewModel class as following
class WeatherViewModel: ObservableObject {
private var city = "city from WeatherView"
private func getData() {
do something
Im really struggling to pass the city variable to the class. I need this to then call the API client.
Could anyone shed some light on how to this this please.
Thank you very much
Hi all,
I am trying to create a weather app but i am struggling with passing data between views.
I have a lat & lon variable which by default is set to the current location of the user.
When the user selects to change location view they are able to select a new location, In which i need to be able to change the Lat & lon variable to the selected variables.
Could someone please help me with the most efficient way of doing this.
Thank you in advance