
Post marked as solved
5 Replies
That is the one I am using. Just wanted to check if I was maybe doing something wrong. The problem is probably elsewhere.Thank you for the help.
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It's a mistake on my part for not explaining my situation properly, but I am the one who has to make XML files and then sign them. I am using AEXML from cocoapods to do it. I have to send it for validation and I get error for wrong signature value every time, even though my signature looks similar (in terms of the amount of data).
Post marked as solved
8 Replies
My .p12 does contain private key and one certificate, so it is digital identity.Users will be regular users, who go to the IRS web site, download the .p12 and then install it via manual profile ingest UI.Users will have to install their digital identities manually on their phones before installing this app.
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Maybe not in the USI didn't want to go into too many details, but the user needs an option to use his certificate to sign transactions.The app will be used to report any and all transactions from any store that uses POS terminal. Let's say an user owns a coffe shop. Every transaction from that coffe shop has to be reported to the IRS. This app will serve as a POS terminal that sends transactions to the IRS server for fiscalization. Transactions will be stored in xml files and signed with the users certificate/identity. Depending on the answer from the server, the user can issue a fiscal or a non fiscal receipt to a customer.
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8 Replies
Thank you for replyingI am not entirely sure if it is digital identity or certificate as we received a "certificate" file with .p12 extention that is used on identical app in Android OS.Here are the details of the app: The application is for cash register (POS terminal), where business owners have to report every transaction to the IRS. When they report a business to the IRS, they get a certificate that they will use to send fiscalized invocies to the IRS so that those invoices can be proccesed there. App is directly communicating with the goverment owned institution, Tax administration office (IRS) wich is also a certificate authority (CA) for all issued certificates.The application will be on the App Store, but only users that have registered their business with the IRS will be able to use it.Best Regards