




Reply to Can't deploy to iPhone (not available, please reconnect the device)
OK here is the solution I will simplify for all noobs and dummies out there(like myself) :P... ) open Xcode pair your device ) Click "Window" Tab at top and "Devices & Simulators" ) Check to see if the error you're having is indeed you being upgraded to 14.2 and not on 14.1 anymore. ) If you do have an error saying "upgrade to Xcode version that supports 14.2" then follow the steps in this video below "How To Downgrade iOS 14.2 Beta On iPhone 6S - To iOS 14.0 Without Losing Files - 100% working" By: "Kon khmer Hardfware" Duration: 10:40 ( (Sorry it would not let me provide a link to YouTube... :P) ) Restart ALL devices )Reconnect & Retry! :) Explanation: iOS 14.2 is the new system update, it's BIG and is a release to prep for their silicon MacBooks and BigSur Xcode DOES have a Release Candidate, in layman's terms a Release that is being suggested for release and has not been FULLY released to the store yet, it'll work, there will be bugs and it's a PAIN to install it(not to mention time consuming...). So I digress if this is your issue then I highly suggest downgrading your device to iOS14.1 and wait a few more weeks or a month for them to have everything finalized with newer and better updates. Developing for iOS is ALWAYS a pain!
Nov ’20