




Reply to Collaboration on new app.
Months later, I've solve the two problems I had with the app. However, while I was developing it I had used a different name for the app. Say original was "Metrication", I kept duplicating folder and using a new name say "Metric". Now the map is working and I want to update it on the App Store so I need to revert to the right name but no matter what I do the app in Xcode crashes when I make all the changes. Does anyone have a foolproof way of making such a change? Thanks.
Dec ’23
Reply to Collaboration on new app.
All problems solved. The last one required going back to an earlier version of the app with the correct name and then setting up all the modules and views from scratch by using the Swift files from the working app which had the different name. The app is now live if you want to see what all the fuss was about, it's called "Distraction" and useful, I hope, for practising sports which require maximum concentration for short periods of time.
Dec ’23