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I use a confirmationDialog on a view I present within a sheet. When I press the cancel button, it closes first, then re-appears for about a second and then closes as expected finally. When I replace this very confirmationDialog with an Alert (by just exchanging the keywords) everything works as expected. @State private var item: ItemDTO? @State private var showDeletionConfirmation = false ... ItemListView( items: viewModel.items, editAction: { editItem in item = editItem } ) .sheet(item: $item) { editItem in ItemView( item: editItem, deleteAction: { showDeletionConfirmation = true } ) .confirmationDialog( "Sure?", isPresented: $showDeletionConfirmation, actions: { Button("Yes", role: .destructive) { print("Deleting...") item = nil } Button("Cancel", role: .cancel) { showDeletionConfirmation = false } }, message: { Text("Do you want to continue?") } )
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