




Overriding tracks of a playlist through Apple Music API
Hello, I have a question regarding the update of playlists through the API. I haven't found this documented, but I prefer asking just in case I missed something. Is there an endpoint/parameter to add tracks to a playlist by overriding the tracks that are in it? I only found an endpoint to append tracks to a playlist, which is not enough for how my app works Thanks!
Jun ’22
Checking if a track or album is available for purchase through Apple Music API
Hello, I'm using the Apple Music API to store tracks & albums links in my database and I need a way to determine if a track/album is available for purchase on iTunes or if it's a streaming one. I'm currently using the "playParams" attribute to determine it. If it is present I consider the track to be streaming, if it's not, I consider it to be a purchasable track. I'm not sure if this is the best way to do so, I'd gladly take your recommendations, maybe there's an attribute I missed on the API.
Jun ’22
Generating a playlist's global id with Apple Music API
Hello! When creating a playlist we are getting an id which is the one in the user's library, it's not enough to create a link and share it with friends for example. To do so, we need a global id. The only way I found to generate this global id is by clicking on the share button of the playlist on Apple Music. After doing this manual action, the global id is properly returned by the Playlist endpoint on the Apple Music API. I wanted to know if there was a endpoint that could be called in order to generate this global id without having to go on the Apple Music app? Thanks for your help
Jun ’22