




Autofill Credential Provider and modalPresentationStyle
Hello, everybody !The project that i'm working on has credentials provider extension (autofill) implemented. This extension presents CredentialProviderViewController in a modal style. On iOS 13 Apple changed default presentation style and we have this spacing at the top (on iPhone) for the moment, which is just a page sheet style as default. I want to change modal presentation style to the fullscreen, but i'm not able to do that for some reason. I tried to change it via code (by manually setting style as vc.modalPresentationStyle = UIModalPresentationStyleFullscreen) and via storyboard (by setting presentation selectbox as fullscreen), but I did not yield any results. I also tried to present another UIViewController directly in viewDidLoad hook of the CredentialProviderViewController with fullscreen set, but it got me no results as well.On iPad CredentialProviderViewController presents as the Form Sheet, while it has to be Page Sheet, that's really strange. On iPhone it looks like regular Page Sheet.So essentially I just can't change modalPresentationStyle from automatic to any other.If anyone ever faced similar issues, please help. Possibly, there is any workaround solution at least.... i look forward to it )I'm using XCode 11.3, btw
Apr ’20