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When on a sign up page, iOS 12 beta properly identifies, suggests, and fills in passwords on our app, as well as a test clean app with just a mock login screen.Expected behavior:1. User enters username2. User taps on password3. Suggested password prompt pops up, with a yellow overlay showing the password4. User taps on "use strong password", which is filled into your field and the yellow overlay disappears5. user taps custom text input which displays a modal form sheet on top of current view controller to select additional data for sign up, once user makes selection, modal form sheet is removed to come back to signup page6. user taps on login/sign up and everything worksActual behaviour:1. User enters username2. User taps on password3. Suggested password prompt pops up, with a yellow overlay showing the password4. User taps on "Use Strong Password", the yellow highlight over the text field does not go away, the generated password remains visible and the password is not saved5. user taps custom text input which displays a modal form sheet on top of current view controller to select additional data for sign up, this causes iOS to think that the sign up was successful, prompting the user to save the password, which was auto generatedThe funny thing is, when our app is compiled with Xcode 9.4, the expected behavior is experienced.When compiling with the new Xcode beta 4 or 5, the actual behavior as outlined above is experienced.It seems that the way the Xcode beta works, actually breaks the new password generation feature, which ironically works on Xcode 9.4, before the new feature was even announced.Has anyone else experienced this with password generation? (yellow text overlay stays even after selecting to use strong password?)Any help would be greatly appreciated.
by AndreiTi.
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