




Modifying SwiftData Object
Hi, The dataModule in code below is a swiftData object being passed to the view and its property as key path but when trying to modify it I'm getting the error ."Cannot assign through subscript: 'self' is immutable" how to solve this issue ? Kind Regards struct ListSel<T: PersistentModel>: View { @Bindable var dataModule: T @Binding var txtValue: String var keyPath: WritableKeyPath<T, String> var turncate: CGFloat? = 94.0 var image = "" var body: some View { HStack { Text(txtValue) .foregroundColor(sysSecondary) .font(.subheadline) .onChange(of: txtValue) { value in dataModule[keyPath: keyPath] = value } Image(systemName: image) .foregroundColor(sysSecondary) .font(.subheadline) .imageScale(.small) .symbolRenderingMode(.hierarchical) .scaleEffect(0.8) } .frame(width: turncate, height: 20, alignment: .leading) .truncationMode(.tail) } }
Nov ’24
SwifttData Record Update
Hi When connecting a SwiftData module property to a SwiftUI view such as a text field and the field changes by user the property get updated in the SwiftData database, now suppose I want to run a validation code or delay updates to Database till use click a submit button how to do that ? delay those auto updates if we can name it ? Kind Regards Code Example import SwiftUI import SwiftData struct GListSel2: View { @Bindable var patient: Patient var body: some View { HStack { TextField("Gender", text: $patient.gender) } } }
Nov ’24
SwipeAction in For Each
Hi, Im trying to use ForEach without list to get rid of the navigation chevron , but the sipe to delete modifier stop working, is there a some solution ? Kind Regards Button(role: .destructive) { deletePatient(patient: patient) } label: { VStack { Label("Delete", systemImage: "trash") Image(systemName: "Trash") } } }
Oct ’24
Using Generic SwiftData Modules
Hi, I have the view below that I want it to get any sort of SwiftData model and display and string property of that module, but I get the error mentioned below as well, also the preview have an error as below, how to fix it ? I know its little complicated. Error for the view GWidget " 'init(wrappedValue:)' is unavailable: The wrapped value must be an object that conforms to Observable " Error of preview " Cannot use explicit 'return' statement in the body of result builder 'ViewBuilder' " 3, Code #Preview { do { let configuration = ModelConfiguration(isStoredInMemoryOnly: true) let container = try ModelContainer(for: Patient.self, configurations: configuration) let example = Patient(firstName: "Ammar S. Mitoori", mobileNumber: "+974 5515 7818", homePhone: "+974 5515 7818", email: "", bloodType: "O+") // Pass the model (Patient) and the keyPath to the bloodType property return GWidget(model: example, keyPath: \Patient.bloodType) .modelContainer(container) } catch { fatalError("Fatal Error") } } 4. Code for the Gwidget View ```import SwiftUI import SwiftData struct GWidget<T>: View { @Bindable var model: T var keyPath: KeyPath<T, String> // Key path to any string property // Variables for the modified string and the last character var bloodTypeWithoutLast: String { let bloodType = model[keyPath: keyPath] return String(bloodType.dropLast()) } var lastCharacter: String { let bloodType = model[keyPath: keyPath] return String(bloodType.suffix(1)) } var body: some View { VStack(alignment: .leading) { Text("Blood Type") .font(.footnote) .foregroundStyle(sysPrimery07) HStack (alignment: .lastTextBaseline) { Text(bloodTypeWithoutLast) .fontWeight(.bold) .font(.title2) .foregroundStyle(sysPrimery07) VStack(alignment: .leading, spacing: -5) { Text(lastCharacter) .fontWeight(.bold) Text(lastCharacter == "+" ? "Positive" : "Negative") } .font(.caption2) .foregroundStyle(lastCharacter == "+" ? .green : .pink) } } } }
Oct ’24
Split View DoubleColumn Mode
Hi, When SplitView is in detailsOnly and I swipe from left side the sidebar appears as popover above the details content, but when I try to open it manually by settings the columnVisibility to doubleColumn it pushes the details view and shows, so haw to make it appear as poorer ? Kind Regards
Oct ’24
Customizing Tab | Side Bars
Hi, The new TabBar, SideBar combination is very nice, but I tried customizing like text sizes, icon sizes using imageScale and all dint have any effect, also shows of selected item in side bar couldn't customize it, is there any suggestions ? Kind Regards
Sep ’24
Reducing space between list rows
Hi, However I tried to reduce space between list rows in below code I fail, is there any way to reduce this space ? @State var flag: Bool = false var myList: [String] = ["Hello", "World", "SwiftUI"] var body: some View { VStack(alignment: .leading) { List (myList, id: \.self) { list in Text(list) .border( .font(.system(size: 12)) // Smaller font size .frame(maxWidth: .infinity, minHeight: 20, alignment: .leading) // Reduced height .padding(.vertical, 4) // Minimal padding for vertical spacing .listRowInsets(EdgeInsets(top: 0, leading: 0, bottom: 0, trailing: 0)) // Remove insets .listRowSeparator(.hidden) // Hide separator } .listStyle(.plain) } .overlay( RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 10) .stroke(sysSecondary.opacity(0.4), lineWidth: 1) ) .frame(width: 220, height:260) .background(.white) .clipShape (RoundedRectangle (cornerRadius: 10)) } }
Sep ’24
SwiftUI List hidden line separator not working
Hi, I have the below code as you can see the list doesn't hide its line separator, so is it a bug ? is there any work around ? @State var flag: Bool = false var myList: [String] = ["Hello", "World", "SwiftUI"] var body: some View { VStack(alignment: .leading) { List (myList, id: \.self) { list in Text(list) } .listRowSeparator(.hidden) .listStyle(.plain) } .overlay( RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 10) .stroke(sysSecondary.opacity(0.4), lineWidth: 1) ) .frame(width: 220, height:260) .background(.white) .clipShape (RoundedRectangle (cornerRadius: 10)) } }
Sep ’24
Using truncationMode
Hi, The example that Apple shows in link below doesn't show how truncationMode works, because the text get truncated anyway when its length it more than frame height so what's the use of truncationMode ? -- Kind Regards
Sep ’24