
Post marked as solved
6 Replies
That was spot on thank you very much, I implemented your changes and it just worked like magic.Thank you very much again for your valuable time and help
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6 Replies
The crash happens inside this function : self.pipelyKitAlgorithmCHECK ()Below is the function code and the crash is happening at line (267) where I print "RUN2" as a way to detect the crash position.Some times I get run2 : 2 , 3 or 4 of Run2 and some times I don't get run2 at all and this is without changing any input data. When it works normally run2 should appear hundreds of times. The most important thing is that when I remove the DisptachQueue, i dont get the index problem and everything works fine but ofcourse i get the annoying button freezfunc pipelyKitAlgorithmCHECK () { density = selectedProject!.density viscosity = selectedProject!.viscosity temp = selectedProject!.temperature MaxFlow = selectedProject!.pumpFlowMax MaxFlowCount = 1000000 flow = 0.000001 flowCount = 0 repeat { PdArray.removeAll() Pcount = 0 repeat { let pipe = pipesArray[Pcount] let A = Area(D: pipe.diameter, Pi: Double.pi) let V = velocity (Q:flow ,A: A) let Re = Renolds (p:density , V:V, D: pipe.diameter, u: viscosity) // reducer and expansion fitting if Pcount > 0 { let prepipe = pipesArray[Pcount-1] let preA = Area(D: prepipe.diameter, Pi: Double.pi) let preV = velocity (Q:flow ,A: preA) let preRe = Renolds (p:density , V:preV, D: prepipe.diameter, u: viscosity) prefd = Prefd(Re: preRe, D: prepipe.diameter, p: density, V: preV, L: prepipe.length, e: prepipe.material) if (pipe.diameter - prepipe.diameter) != 0 { if pipe.diameter < prepipe.diameter { PdReduction = round((reduction(D: prepipe.diameter, D1: pipe.diameter, V: preV, p: density, Re: preRe, fd: prefd, no: 1))*100)/100 PdArray.append (PdReduction) } if pipe.diameter > prepipe.diameter { PdExpansion = round((expansion(D: prepipe.diameter, D1: pipe.diameter, V: preV, p: density, Re: preRe, fd: prefd, no: 1))*100)/100 PdArray.append (PdExpansion) } } } pipeFrictionLoss = round((fPipeFrictionLoss(Re: Re, D: pipe.diameter, p: density, V: V, L: pipe.length, e: pipe.material))*100)/100 PdArray.append (pipeFrictionLoss) if Pcount > 0 { PdElev = round((Elev(El1: pipe.pElev1, El2: pipe.pElev2, p: density))*100)/100 PdArray.append(PdElev) } if pipe.elbow90degNo > 0 { PdElbow90deg = round ((fPdElbow90TH(V: V, p: density, Re: Re, D: pipe.diameter, no: pipe.elbow90degNo))*100)/100 PdArray.append (PdElbow90deg) } if pipe.elbow45degNo > 0 { PdElbow45deg = round((fPdElbow45TH(V: V, p: density, Re: Re, D: pipe.diameter, no: pipe.elbow45degNo))*100)/100 PdArray.append (PdElbow45deg) } if pipe.bend90degNo > 0 { PdBend90deg = round((fPdBend90TH(V: V, p: density, Re: Re, D: pipe.diameter, no: pipe.bend90degNo))*100)/100 PdArray.append (PdBend90deg) } if pipe.equalTee90degNo > 0 { PdTeeElbow = round ((fPdTeeTH(V: V, p: density, Re: Re, D: pipe.diameter, no: pipe.equalTee90degNo))*100)/100 PdArray.append(PdTeeElbow) } if pipe.ballValveNo > 0 { PdBallValve = round ((fPdballValve(V: V, p: density, Re: Re, D: pipe.diameter, no: pipe.ballValveNo))*100)/100 PdArray.append(PdBallValve) } if pipe.diaphragmValveNo > 0 { PdDiaphragmValve = round ((fPdDiaphragm(V: V, p: density, Re: Re, D: pipe.diameter, no: pipe.diaphragmValveNo))*100)/100 PdArray.append(PdDiaphragmValve) } if pipe.threeWayValveLportedNo > 0 { PdThreeWayValve = round ((fPd3WayPlugValve(V: V, p: density, Re: Re, D: pipe.diameter, no: pipe.threeWayValveLportedNo))*100)/100 PdArray.append(PdThreeWayValve) } if pipe.angleValveNo > 0 { PdAngleValve = round ((fPdAngleValve45(V: V, p: density, Re: Re, D: pipe.diameter, no: pipe.angleValveNo))*100)/100 PdArray.append(PdAngleValve) } if pipe.butterFlyValveNo > 0 { PdButterFlyValve = round ((fPdButterfly(V: V, p: density, Re: Re, D: pipe.diameter, no: pipe.butterFlyValveNo))*100)/100 PdArray.append(PdButterFlyValve) } if pipe.gateValveNo > 0 { PdButterFlyValve = round ((fPdGateValve(V: V, p: density, Re: Re, D: pipe.diameter, no: pipe.gateValveNo))*100)/100 PdArray.append(PdButterFlyValve) } if pipe.checkValveNo > 0 { if pipe.checkValveType == 2.0 { PdCheckValve = round ((fPdSwingCV(V: V, p: density, Re: Re, D: pipe.diameter, no: pipe.checkValveNo))*100)/100 PdArray.append(PdCheckValve) } if pipe.checkValveType == 3.0 { PdCheckValve = round ((fPdLiftCV(V: V, p: density, Re: Re, D: pipe.diameter, no: pipe.checkValveNo))*100)/100 PdArray.append(PdCheckValve) } if pipe.checkValveType == 4.0 { PdCheckValve = round ((fPdTiltingDiskCV(V: V, p: density, Re: Re, D: pipe.diameter, no: pipe.checkValveNo))*100)/100 PdArray.append(PdCheckValve) } } if pipe.reducerFittingNo > 0 { PdOrifice = round ((Orifice(Q: flow, Pi: Double.pi, D: pipe.diameter, D1: pipe.reducingPipeD1, L1: pipe.reducingPipeL1, V: V, p: density, Re: Re, no: pipe.reducerFittingNo, e: pipe.material, u: viscosity))*100)/100 PdArray.append(PdOrifice) } if pipe.customAfittingNo > 0 { if pipe.ecmA == false { PdCustomA = round ((customFitting(xf1: 0.0, yf1: 0.0, xf2: pipe.customAfittingValue*0.5, yf2: 0.5, xf3: pipe.customAfittingValue, yf3: 1.0, cflow: flow, no: pipe.customAfittingNo, p: density))*100)/100 PdArray.append(PdCustomA) } if pipe.ecmA == true { PdCustomA = round ((customFitting(xf1: pipe.customFlowA1, yf1: pipe.customHeadA1, xf2: pipe.customFlowA2, yf2: pipe.customHeadA2, xf3: pipe.customFlowA3, yf3: pipe.customHeadA3, cflow: flow, no: pipe.customAfittingNo, p: density))*100)/100 PdArray.append(PdCustomA) } } if pipe.customBfittingNo > 0 { if pipe.ecmB == false { PdCustomB = round ((customFitting(xf1: 0.0, yf1: 0.0, xf2: pipe.customBfittingValue*0.5, yf2: 0.5, xf3: pipe.customBfittingValue, yf3: 1.0, cflow: flow, no: pipe.customBfittingNo, p: density))*100)/100 PdArray.append(PdCustomB) } if pipe.ecmB == true { PdCustomB = round ((customFitting(xf1: pipe.customFlowB1, yf1: pipe.customHeadB1, xf2: pipe.customFlowB2, yf2: pipe.customHeadB2, xf3: pipe.customFlowB3, yf3: pipe.customHeadB3, cflow: flow, no: pipe.customBfittingNo, p: density))*100)/100 PdArray.append(PdCustomB) } } if pipe.customCfittingNo > 0 { if pipe.ecmC == false { PdCustomC = round ((customFitting(xf1: 0.0, yf1: 0.0, xf2: pipe.customCfittingValue*0.5, yf2: 0.5, xf3: pipe.customCfittingValue, yf3: 1.0, cflow: flow, no: pipe.customCfittingNo, p: density))*100)/100 PdArray.append(PdCustomC) } if pipe.ecmC == true { PdCustomC = round ((customFitting(xf1: pipe.customFlowC1, yf1: pipe.customHeadC1, xf2: pipe.customFlowC2, yf2: pipe.customHeadC2, xf3: pipe.customFlowC3, yf3: pipe.customHeadC3, cflow: flow, no: pipe.customCfittingNo, p: density))*100)/100 PdArray.append(PdCustomC) } } if pipe.customDfittingNo > 0 { if pipe.ecmD == false { PdCustomD = round ((customFitting(xf1: 0.0, yf1: 0.0, xf2: pipe.customDfittingValue*0.5, yf2: 0.5, xf3: pipe.customDfittingValue, yf3: 1.0, cflow: flow, no: pipe.customDfittingNo, p: density))*100)/100 PdArray.append(PdCustomD) } if pipe.ecmD == true { PdCustomD = round ((customFitting(xf1: pipe.customFlowD1, yf1: pipe.customHeadD1, xf2: pipe.customFlowD2, yf2: pipe.customHeadD2, xf3: pipe.customFlowD3, yf3: pipe.customHeadD3, cflow: flow, no: pipe.customDfittingNo, p: density))*100)/100 PdArray.append(PdCustomD) } } Pcount += 1 } while Pcount < pipesArray.count TotalPd = round(PdArray.reduce(0,+)*10)/10 if flow < x3 { pumpPressure = a1 * pow(flow,2) + b1 * flow + c1 } if flow >= x3 && flow <= x5 { pumpPressure = a2 * pow(flow,2) + b2 * flow + c2 } if flow > x5 { pumpPressure = a3 * pow(flow,2) + b3 * flow + c3 } deltaP = (TotalPd - pumpPressure) flow = flow + 2 flowCount += 1 print ("RUN 2") } while (deltaP <= 0.01 && flow <= MaxFlow && flowCount <= MaxFlowCount ) if deltaP > 0.01 { print ("A SYSTEM SOLUTION HAS BEEN REACHED") flow = flow - 0.01 pipelyKitAlgorithemFinal() print ( "check pressure = \(TotalPd) and final flow = \(finalFlow)") print ("flowCount : \(flowCount)") } if flow > MaxFlow { maxFlowAlert() } if flowCount > MaxFlowCount { maxFlowCountAlert () } }
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6 Replies
- the calucaltion should be over when I dismiss the modal sheet- once the calculation is over the results are used by the table view only in this view controller. There is a button in the same view controller that segue to a third view controller and plot the results in a graph but it does not get triggered unless you press the button to segue to the graph- yes PdArray is created by self.pipelyKitAlgorithmCHECK () at line 87, then this function calls another function that clears PdArray and refill it ( append it) with adjusted values. This last PdArray version gets used in the tableview.the last function that spits out PdArray and gets called by self.pipelyKitAlgorithmCHECK () is this function and it not inside the DisptachQueue brackets :func pipelyKitAlgorithemFinal () { density = selectedProject!.density viscosity = selectedProject!.viscosity temp = selectedProject!.temperature finalFlow = flow PdArray.removeAll() FittingName.removeAll() FittingNo.removeAll() Pcount = 0 repeat { let pipe = pipesArray[Pcount] let A = Area(D: pipe.diameter, Pi: Double.pi) let V = velocity (Q:finalFlow ,A: A) let Re = Renolds (p:density , V:V, D: pipe.diameter, u: viscosity) // reducer and expansion fitting if Pcount > 0 { let prepipe = pipesArray[Pcount-1] let preA = Area(D: prepipe.diameter, Pi: Double.pi) let preV = velocity (Q:flow ,A: preA) let preRe = Renolds (p:density , V:preV, D: prepipe.diameter, u: viscosity) prefd = Prefd(Re: preRe, D: prepipe.diameter, p: density, V: preV, L: prepipe.length, e: prepipe.material) if (pipe.diameter - prepipe.diameter) != 0 { if pipe.diameter < prepipe.diameter { PdReduction = round((reduction(D: prepipe.diameter, D1: pipe.diameter, V: preV, p: density, Re: preRe, fd: prefd, no: 1))*100)/100 PdArray.append (PdReduction) FittingName.append ("P\(Pcount+1), Reducer from d\(prepipe.diameter) to d\(pipe.diameter)") FittingNo.append ("") } if pipe.diameter > prepipe.diameter { PdExpansion = round((expansion(D: prepipe.diameter, D1: pipe.diameter, V: preV, p: density, Re: preRe, fd: prefd, no: 1))*100)/100 PdArray.append (PdExpansion) FittingName.append ("P\(Pcount+1), expansion from d\(prepipe.diameter) to d\(pipe.diameter)") FittingNo.append ("") } } } pipeFrictionLoss = round ((fPipeFrictionLoss(Re: Re, D: pipe.diameter, p: density, V: V, L: pipe.length, e: pipe.material))*100)/100 PdArray.append (pipeFrictionLoss) FittingName.append ("P\(Pcount+1), ID\(Int64(pipe.diameter)),") FittingNo.append ("L:\(pipe.length)m, V:\(round(V*10)/10)m/s, ") PdElev = round((Elev(El1: pipe.pElev1, El2: pipe.pElev2, p: density))*100)/100 PdArray.append(PdElev) FittingName.append ("P\(Pcount+1), Pipe level ΔH:\(pipe.pElev2-pipe.pElev1)m, ") FittingNo.append ("") if pipe.elbow90degNo > 0 { PdElbow90deg = round((fPdElbow90TH(V: V, p: density, Re: Re, D: pipe.diameter, no: pipe.elbow90degNo))*100)/100 PdArray.append (PdElbow90deg) FittingName.append ("P\(Pcount+1), Elbow 90°,") FittingNo.append ("Qty: \(pipe.elbow90degNo), ") } if pipe.elbow45degNo > 0 { PdElbow45deg = round((fPdElbow45TH(V: V, p: density, Re: Re, D: pipe.diameter, no: pipe.elbow45degNo))*100)/100 PdArray.append (PdElbow45deg) FittingName.append ("P\(Pcount+1), Elbow 45°,") FittingNo.append ("Qty: \(pipe.elbow45degNo), ") } if pipe.bend90degNo > 0 { PdBend90deg = round((fPdBend90TH(V: V, p: density, Re: Re, D: pipe.diameter, no: pipe.bend90degNo))*100)/100 PdArray.append (PdBend90deg) FittingName.append ("P\(Pcount+1), Bend 90°,") FittingNo.append ("Qty: \(pipe.bend90degNo), ") } if pipe.equalTee90degNo > 0 { PdTeeElbow = round ((fPdTeeTH(V: V, p: density, Re: Re, D: pipe.diameter, no: pipe.equalTee90degNo))*100)/100 PdArray.append(PdTeeElbow) FittingName.append ("P\(Pcount+1), Tee90° elbow flow,") FittingNo.append ("Qty: \(pipe.equalTee90degNo), ") } if pipe.ballValveNo > 0 { PdBallValve = round ((fPdballValve(V: V, p: density, Re: Re, D: pipe.diameter, no: pipe.ballValveNo))*100)/100 PdArray.append(PdBallValve) FittingName.append ("P\(Pcount+1), Ball valve,") FittingNo.append ("Qty: \(pipe.ballValveNo), ") } if pipe.diaphragmValveNo > 0 { PdDiaphragmValve = round ((fPdDiaphragm(V: V, p: density, Re: Re, D: pipe.diameter, no: pipe.diaphragmValveNo))*100)/100 PdArray.append(PdDiaphragmValve) FittingName.append ("P\(Pcount+1), Diaphragm valve,") FittingNo.append ("Qty: \(pipe.diaphragmValveNo), ") } if pipe.threeWayValveLportedNo > 0 { PdThreeWayValve = round ((fPd3WayPlugValve(V: V, p: density, Re: Re, D: pipe.diameter, no: pipe.threeWayValveLportedNo))*100)/100 PdArray.append(PdThreeWayValve) FittingName.append ("P\(Pcount+1), 3 Way Plug Valve,") FittingNo.append ("Qty: \(pipe.threeWayValveLportedNo), ") } if pipe.angleValveNo > 0 { PdAngleValve = round ((fPdAngleValve45(V: V, p: density, Re: Re, D: pipe.diameter, no: pipe.angleValveNo))*100)/100 PdArray.append(PdAngleValve) FittingName.append ("P\(Pcount+1), Angle Valve,") FittingNo.append ("Qty: \(pipe.angleValveNo), ") } if pipe.butterFlyValveNo > 0 { PdButterFlyValve = round ((fPdButterfly(V: V, p: density, Re: Re, D: pipe.diameter, no: pipe.butterFlyValveNo))*100)/100 PdArray.append(PdButterFlyValve) FittingName.append ("P\(Pcount+1), ButterFly Valve,") FittingNo.append ("Qty: \(pipe.butterFlyValveNo), ") } if pipe.gateValveNo > 0 { PdButterFlyValve = round ((fPdGateValve(V: V, p: density, Re: Re, D: pipe.diameter, no: pipe.gateValveNo))*100)/100 PdArray.append(PdButterFlyValve) FittingName.append ("P\(Pcount+1), Gate Valve,") FittingNo.append ("Qty: \(pipe.gateValveNo), ") } if pipe.checkValveNo > 0 { if pipe.checkValveType == 2.0 { PdCheckValve = round ((fPdSwingCV(V: V, p: density, Re: Re, D: pipe.diameter, no: pipe.checkValveNo))*100)/100 PdArray.append(PdCheckValve) FittingName.append ("P\(Pcount+1), Swing Check Valve,") FittingNo.append ("Qty: \(pipe.checkValveNo), ") } if pipe.checkValveType == 3.0 { PdCheckValve = round ((fPdLiftCV(V: V, p: density, Re: Re, D: pipe.diameter, no: pipe.checkValveNo))*100)/100 PdArray.append(PdCheckValve) FittingName.append ("P\(Pcount+1), Lift Check Valve,") FittingNo.append ("Qty: \(pipe.checkValveNo), ") } if pipe.checkValveType == 4.0 { PdCheckValve = round ((fPdTiltingDiskCV(V: V, p: density, Re: Re, D: pipe.diameter, no: pipe.checkValveNo))*100)/100 PdArray.append(PdCheckValve) FittingName.append ("P\(Pcount+1), Disk Check Valve,") FittingNo.append ("Qty: \(pipe.checkValveNo), ") } } if pipe.reducerFittingNo > 0 { PdOrifice = round ((Orifice(Q: flow, Pi: Double.pi, D: pipe.diameter, D1: pipe.reducingPipeD1, L1: pipe.reducingPipeL1, V: V, p: density, Re: Re, no: pipe.reducerFittingNo, e: pipe.material, u: viscosity))*100)/100 PdArray.append(PdOrifice) FittingName.append ("P\(Pcount+1), Orifice,") FittingNo.append ("Qty: \(pipe.reducerFittingNo), ") } if pipe.customAfittingNo > 0 { if pipe.ecmA == false { PdCustomA = round ((customFitting(xf1: 0.0, yf1: 0.0, xf2: pipe.customAfittingValue*0.5, yf2: 0.5, xf3: pipe.customAfittingValue, yf3: 1.0, cflow: flow, no: pipe.customAfittingNo, p:density))*100)/100 PdArray.append(PdCustomA) if pipe.customAfittingType == 0 { FittingName.append ("P\(Pcount+1), Cust. fit. A-KV,") } if pipe.customAfittingType == 1 { FittingName.append ("P\(Pcount+1), Cust. fit. A-CV,") } FittingNo.append ("Qty: \(pipe.customAfittingNo), ") } if pipe.ecmA == true { PdCustomA = round ((customFitting(xf1: pipe.customFlowA1, yf1: pipe.customHeadA1, xf2: pipe.customFlowA2, yf2: pipe.customHeadA2, xf3: pipe.customFlowA3, yf3: pipe.customHeadA3, cflow: flow, no: pipe.customAfittingNo, p:density))*100)/100 PdArray.append(PdCustomA) FittingName.append ("P\(Pcount+1), Cust. fit. A-CURVE,") FittingNo.append ("Qty: \(pipe.customAfittingNo), ") } } if pipe.customBfittingNo > 0 { if pipe.ecmB == false { PdCustomB = round ((customFitting(xf1: 0.0, yf1: 0.0, xf2: pipe.customBfittingValue*0.5, yf2: 0.5, xf3: pipe.customBfittingValue, yf3: 1.0, cflow: flow, no: pipe.customBfittingNo, p: density))*100)/100 PdArray.append(PdCustomB) if pipe.customBfittingType == 0 { FittingName.append ("P\(Pcount+1), Cust. fit. B-KV,") } if pipe.customBfittingType == 1 { FittingName.append ("P\(Pcount+1), Cust. fit. B-CV,") } FittingNo.append ("Qty: \(pipe.customBfittingNo), ") } if pipe.ecmB == true { PdCustomB = round ((customFitting(xf1: pipe.customFlowB1, yf1: pipe.customHeadB1, xf2: pipe.customFlowB2, yf2: pipe.customHeadB2, xf3: pipe.customFlowB3, yf3: pipe.customHeadB3, cflow: flow, no: pipe.customBfittingNo, p: density))*100)/100 PdArray.append(PdCustomB) FittingName.append ("P\(Pcount+1), Cust. fit. B-CURVE,") FittingNo.append ("Qty: \(pipe.customBfittingNo), ") } } if pipe.customCfittingNo > 0 { if pipe.ecmC == false { PdCustomC = round ((customFitting(xf1: 0.0, yf1: 0.0, xf2: pipe.customCfittingValue*0.5, yf2: 0.5, xf3: pipe.customCfittingValue, yf3: 1.0, cflow: flow, no: pipe.customCfittingNo, p: density))*100)/100 PdArray.append(PdCustomC) if pipe.customCfittingType == 0 { FittingName.append ("P\(Pcount+1), Cust. fit. C-KV,") } if pipe.customCfittingType == 1 { FittingName.append ("P\(Pcount+1), Cust. fit. C-CV,") } FittingNo.append ("Qty: \(pipe.customCfittingNo), ") } if pipe.ecmC == true { PdCustomC = round ((customFitting(xf1: pipe.customFlowC1, yf1: pipe.customHeadC1, xf2: pipe.customFlowC2, yf2: pipe.customHeadC2, xf3: pipe.customFlowC3, yf3: pipe.customHeadC3, cflow: flow, no: pipe.customCfittingNo, p: density))*100)/100 PdArray.append(PdCustomC) FittingName.append ("P\(Pcount+1), Cust. fit. C-CURVE,") FittingNo.append ("Qty: \(pipe.customCfittingNo), ") } } if pipe.customDfittingNo > 0 { if pipe.ecmD == false { PdCustomD = round ((customFitting(xf1: 0.0, yf1: 0.0, xf2: pipe.customDfittingValue*0.5, yf2: 0.5, xf3: pipe.customDfittingValue, yf3: 1.0, cflow: flow, no: pipe.customDfittingNo, p: density))*100)/100 PdArray.append(PdCustomD) if pipe.customDfittingType == 0 { FittingName.append ("P\(Pcount+1), Cust. fit. D-KV,") } if pipe.customDfittingType == 1 { FittingName.append ("P\(Pcount+1), Cust. fit. D-CV,") } FittingNo.append ("Qty: \(pipe.customDfittingNo), ") } if pipe.ecmD == true { PdCustomD = round ((customFitting(xf1: pipe.customFlowD1, yf1: pipe.customHeadD1, xf2: pipe.customFlowD2, yf2: pipe.customHeadD2, xf3: pipe.customFlowD3, yf3: pipe.customHeadD3, cflow: flow, no: pipe.customDfittingNo, p: density))*100)/100 PdArray.append(PdCustomD) FittingName.append ("P\(Pcount+1), Cust. fit. D-CURVE,") FittingNo.append ("Qty: \(pipe.customDfittingNo), ") } } Pcount += 1 } while Pcount < pipesArray.count PdTotal = round(PdArray.reduce(0,+)*100)/100 finalFlow = round(finalFlow*10)/10 }
Post marked as solved
4 Replies
Thank you very much that was extremely helpful 🙂
Post marked as solved
4 Replies
Thank you very much for your answer and the the time you took to do it, I moved this thread to the cocoa touch and I will edit my questions to several paragraphs.Vertcies are vertical. For vectors, do you mean horizontal segment of really a vector of any direction ?I meant like a straight line between two nodes/points with x and y coordinates ( z is always zero). The point/node might have more than one line connecting to it in a 2D plane like a road crossings. The points and the line are like three objects that you can touch and trigger a function. The line is always straight.What type of interaction ? Moving it ? Changing its size ? Mainly touch the node or the point that triggers a function and touching the line to trigger another function.The ideal scenario is to draw lines using touch. The line will always start with a node and end with a node. You can split the line by adding a node in the middle, where you can branch from it another line.