




Reply to invalid mode 'kCFRunLoopCommonModes'
NB. RESOLVED below is now working Have this same message in SwiftUI and the attached method isn't called. Is it something I'm doing wrong? 	Toggle(isOn: self.$isOn) {             EmptyView()   } .onChange(of: self.isOn) { _ in             print("**DEBUG - \(self.isOn)")    } System: Xcode 12.1 GM seed 6th Gen iPad mini - iPadOS 14.1
Oct ’20
Reply to SwiftUI macOS Table refresh not keeping selection
Why @Bindable for the viewModel? Since you are using the Observation framework, make the viewModel @State var viewModel = TableViewModel (this is if you want to initialize the viewModel elsewhere and pass it in. Otherwise use @State private var viewModel = TableViewModel() The reason why it isn't keeping the selection is because your view is probably redrawn and the viewModel is reinitialized, on initialization you set selections to []
Jan ’24