I was solving this exercise and ended up with this error. Is it due to some unavailable library or unavailable in latest Xcode? Help!
I enrolled myself in Data Science bachelor's degree. As per curriculum, they only focus on Python. Swift & Xcode is not a part of curriculum. I am wondering if I will be able to apply all that I will learn in my degree like Data Analysis, Machine Learning etc in Xcode.
As I am learning Swift, I am liking it. It's easy and more clear. I would like to do Data analytics and build models in Xcode in future. Will it be possible?
I noticed that my MacBook heats up on using Xcode. I installed latest Xcode 15.0.1 this morning along with something related to iOS 17.
When I forced quit Xcode, temp. lowered to normal.
What to do?
It's been 6 months since I am using this MacBook. This morning I updated to OS Sonoma. Consequently, I had to update my Xcode as well.
It came to my notice that it's heating more than normal. I am confused if it is because of new OS or heavy latest Xcode.
What to do?
I am starting with programming. I changed career of late. I learnt basics of python very recently. I am keen to work as iOS developer in future. There's ambiguity how to kickstart my journey of programming and app dev. I need suggestion regarding what resources to follow. It's hard to do it without proper and directed guidance.
In Book store, I could see books. I downloaded two of them, one is Develop in Swift Fundamentals and the other book is Develop in Swift Explorations. I am confused which one to read first.
Is there some other good resources available online? Some YT channel I could refer? Please help me!