I'm trying to capture all trackpad events at OS level and disable few of them - say the ones in left half of trackpad. Following this question, I could level listen to events in current window view with following code.
final class AppKitTouchesView: NSView {
override init(frame frameRect: NSRect) {
super.init(frame: frameRect)
// We're interested in `.indirect` touches only.
allowedTouchTypes = [.indirect]
// We'd like to receive resting touches as well.
wantsRestingTouches = true
required init?(coder: NSCoder) {
fatalError("init(coder:) has not been implemented")
private func handleTouches(with event: NSEvent) {
// 1. Change `in` parameter to listen events at OS level
// 2. Disable all events with `touch.normalizedPosition.x < 0.5`
let touches = event.touches(matching: .touching, in: self)
override func touchesBegan(with event: NSEvent) {
handleTouches(with: event)
override func touchesEnded(with event: NSEvent) {
handleTouches(with: event)
override func touchesMoved(with event: NSEvent) {
handleTouches(with: event)
override func touchesCancelled(with event: NSEvent) {
handleTouches(with: event)
I'd to accomplish two things further.
Change in parameter to listen events at OS level
Disable all touch events on some condition - say touch.normalizedPosition.x < 0.5