Hmm, I can see that it is working in the Apple "Deferred Lighting" project, but it's not doing anything in my project, so I assume it's specific to my implementation, although my implementation works on my Intel Mac.
renderEncoder.setVertexBuffer(planeVerticesBuffer, offset: 0, index: Int(BufferIndexVertices.rawValue))
renderEncoder.executeCommandsInBuffer(icbPlane, range: 0..<scene.planeMatrices.count)
renderEncoder.setDepthBias(-1.0, slopeScale: -1.0, clamp: 0)
renderEncoder.setVertexBuffer(s0VerticesBuffer, offset: 0, index: Int(BufferIndexVertices.rawValue))
renderEncoder.executeCommandsInBuffer(icbS0, range: 0..<scene.planeMatrices.count)
The above would work on my Intel Mac to insure that polygons drawn in the second .executeCommandsInBuffer() appear in front of polygons drawn in the earlier one. I repeated the process successfully three more times, incrementing both bias and slopeScale amounts for each subsequent .executeCommandsInBuffer(), and producing the equivalent of five predictably ordered layers.
On the M1, setDepthBias() appears to be doing nothing (i.e. negative and positive values appear identical, and I've also tried values at different scales, more in line with those I'm seeing in "Deferred Lighting".) Any ideas?
I'm sure there are other ways of producing five predictably ordered layers of co-planar polygons (blending, I presume), but being a beginner who has a hard time reading Objective C, I'd kind of need it spelled out for me...
Thanks! Submitted: FB8964687
I'm also a beginner, so I might be way off base here, but I think what you're talking about is extremely difficult. Consider that when rendering a point cloud, the points are independent from each other - if you want to render them as triangles, how would you identify which points should constitute each triangle? The ordering of the points would also matter. I don't think this is easy to do, especially if you're hoping to end up with something like a continuous surface.