




Keyboard and Mouse Input in C++ for MacOS
I have worked through the LearnMetalCPP project but it seems that even with the port of AppKit.h to C++ framework, nobody included a method to gain keyboard and mouse inputs in C++. I am under the impression AppKit had a way to manage events with NSEvent and NSResponder, as it mentions in the developer documentation for gaming input systems, but this is excluded from the CPP version of Appkit.h. Can't seem to find a way to handle inputs at all and it's making it seem impossible for anyone to successfully make a game on MacOS in C++. Usually I would be able to handle it with SFML or SDL, but I am wondering since c++ isn't native to macOS if there is any possible way to handle game inputs with C++ at all. It is Apple's hardware, shouldn't they be the ones to create a C++ game input framework? They seem to have a game input framework for every language except for C++. I would understand that they just don't want to do it because C++ isn't native to macOS, but with the new release of Metal CPP, It makes no sense that they wouldn't include a hardware input event system and especially if they want us to port games to MacOS.
Jun ’24