
Post marked as solved
5 Replies
Have sent emails on both "App Review" and "Technical" category, but have not gotten any replies from Apple yet
Post not yet marked as solved
2 Replies
Also encountered this issue with iOS 15 after moving to xcode 13. Made a feedback report: FB9840346 Anyone has any idea what's happening here? The workaround above isnt exactly right, because maximumSignificantDigits property is widely different from maximumFractionDigits
Post marked as solved
20 Replies
Seeing the same issue - using firebase crashlytics
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2 Replies
Hi Edford, Thank you for the reply, will comb through project settings to see what is up, but for now, I've actually added conditional compilation block, to prevent unsupported architecture from calling the framework's api. It wasn't just i386 - the framework doesnt support 32 bit in general, so armv7 as well