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I have a driving tracking app I'm working on that properly starts tracking and logging location when the app is in the foreground or background. I use a buffer/queue to keep recent locations so when a trip ramps up to driving speed I can record that to work back to the start location just before the trip starts. This works great, however, in background mode when the user does not have the app open it will record locations but not until a significant location change is detected. The buffering I do is lost and the location only starts tracking several hundred yards or more after the trip has started. Does anyone have any suggestions or strategies to handle this chicken and the egg scenario?
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Hello, I have a problem in the Xcode 15.0 where the custom Dynamic library cannot be found during build. The dynamic library is built for iOS 16 and I have added it to "Link Binary with Libraries" and also to "Embed Libraries" as Destination: Framework. In the General->Frameworks, Libraries and Embedded Content I can see the library is loaded and "Embhed&Sign" option is set. In Build Settings the "Library search path" is also set to the location of library "$(PROJECT_DIR)/test/lib" Library is available in this location: $(PROJECT_DIR)/test/lib I can build the project without any issues. But when I try to run the application, I get below error: dyld[1076]: Library not loaded: libtest-xx.dylib Referenced from: <4A9...> Reason: tried: '/usr/lib/system/introspection/libtest-xx.dylib' (no such file, not in dyld cache //libtest-xx.dylib' (no such file) Can anyone please let me know what is the issue here and how to correctly bundle dynamic library with the application? Thanks in advance
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I am new to coding so pardon my naivety. I made a simple app for my company where customers can place orders and leave their names and phones numbers. Upon placing an order the app creates a collection in Google Firebase then generates an email with some HTML code. My app does not use any API's directly, and I believe I received the warning email solely because of the Firebase SDK like many others. I updated my app with what I believe to be proper "declaration of the data collected by my app or by third-party SDKs" according to - but I am wondering if I actually did it correctly! See Attached
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Hi! I watched WWDC 2019 Optimizing App Launch video and can't see the Lifecycle phases when I Profile my App. I'm using Xcode 15.2 with Instruments 15.2, and SwiftUI as UI framework. Here is a screenshot of what I get. It's there another tool or another way to get this information? Thanks! Alfonso.
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hi I have been using WKWebView embedded in a UIViewRepresentable for displaying inside a SwiftUI View hierarchy, but when I try the same code on 17,5 beta (simulator) the code fails. In fact, the code runs (no exceptions raised or anything) but the web view does not render. In the console logs I see: Warning: -[BETextInput attributedMarkedText] is unimplemented Error launching process, description 'The operation couldn’t be completed. (OSStatus error -10814.)', reason '' The code I am using to present the view is: struct MyWebView: UIViewRepresentable { let content: String func makeUIView(context: Context) -> WKWebView { // Javascript that disables pinch-to-zoom by inserting the HTML viewport meta tag into <head> let source: String = """ var meta = document.createElement('meta'); = 'viewport'; meta.content = 'width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no'; var style = document.createElement('style'); style.type = 'text/css'; style.innerHTML = '*:focus{outline:none}body{margin:0;padding:0}'; var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; head.appendChild(meta); head.appendChild(style); """ let script: WKUserScript = WKUserScript(source: source, injectionTime: .atDocumentEnd, forMainFrameOnly: true) let userContentController: WKUserContentController = WKUserContentController() let conf = WKWebViewConfiguration() conf.userContentController = userContentController userContentController.addUserScript(script) let webView = WKWebView(frame: /*CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 1000, height: 1000)*/, configuration: conf) webView.isOpaque = false webView.backgroundColor = UIColor.clear webView.scrollView.backgroundColor = UIColor.clear webView.scrollView.isScrollEnabled = false webView.scrollView.isMultipleTouchEnabled = false if #available(iOS 16.4, *) { webView.isInspectable = true } return webView } func updateUIView(_ webView: WKWebView, context: Context) { webView.loadHTMLString(content, baseURL: nil) } } This has been working for ages and ages (back to at least ios 15) - something changed. Maybe it is just a problem with the beta 17.5 release?
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Address validation failed. Please update legal entity address 2)A new version of your Paid Applications agreement is available. 3)To sell your app or other in-app purchases, you must sign the Paid Applications Agreement. 4)To receive payments from Apple, you must add a bank account. 5)To meet the requirements of the Paid Applications agreement and receive payments, you must add a U.S. tax form.
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New versions of AppKit/Mac Catalyst apps that use Google's Sign In framework are being rejected by App Store Review for the past two weeks. Reason shared was: The user is taken to the default web browser to sign in or register for an account, which provides a poor user experience. And also citing: Data Collection & Storage guidelines -> Opening macOS' default web browser has been a native behavior of Mac apps when using SFSafariViewController with ASWebAuthenticationSession, which is required, since iOS 13, for securely/privately logging in users. As far as I could investigate, there hasn't been any updates to the guidelines that would indicate any required changes to developers in regards to how login works for macOS apps. Are there any steps developers need to take to get updates approved while still providing users with Google's Sign in? As reference, there is an on-going discussion on GoogleSignIn repo about this issue affecting multiple developers and apps:
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Howdy, I have a nasty feeling that the answer to my question is "Y'all cain't do that!", but I figure I'll ask, anyway. THE SAD STORY (GET YOUR HANKY): We have an app that implements Sign [up|in] with Apple. It does it pretty well, with no password visible to the user, and a pretty smooth UX. The issue is what happens when users bork their install. We don't think it will happen often, but want to be able to give the user the best way out, if possible. With the regular (non-SiiA) method, they bonk on a "Forgot Password" button, and the app sends them a new password. We can't do that, with SiiA. The password is stored in the app (in the keychain, so it's very persistent, and shared across devices), and it would a Very Bad Security Hole, to allow users to simply send a new password to the server (the other method generates a rando in the server), which is what would happen, with our method of handling the password. It would also be equally bad, if the server could simply send a new password to the user, directly to their device (the other method sends an email, based on the sign-in information on the server). So the user needs to delete their keychain data completely, which we can easily do, but that does not deal with their SiiA stuff, stored on Apple's server. This is what Apple tells us to do, to delete that. WHICH BEGS THE QUESTION: My question is: Is there a URL scheme that I can use to directly open that panel? If so, it would allow us to create a screen that helps the user to do all the deletions (on the device, our server, and the Apple server).
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Hello, I believe I'm experiecing a bug within the AppStoreConnect dev console. When I try to submit a new version of my game for review I recieve an error message stating The items below are required to start the review process: There are still leaderboard image uploads in progress. One might think that this problem should have an obvious solution: wait for the leaderboard images to load and try again. Unfortunately this is impossible, because all images are already loaded. They are also being successfully displayed in the console interface and even in my game itself. I tried to remove all images, but that didn't help. I've also noticed that leaderboard management interface in the console was updated in the past month or two. I think that might be somehow related to the problem (something from old UI got cached and now isn't affect by new UI). I've also filed a request (102270407515) to the Apple Support, but didn't get any answer (aside from the request is registered). Is there any chance I get an answer from Apple Support here on the forum?
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Many of Apple's tutorials on SwiftData are written alongside SwiftUI, including the sample code. Would it be a bad idea to use SwiftData separately? If I don't use SwiftUI, would it be wiser to choose a different database instead?
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Hello, I found a user that has two originalTransactionIds for the same subscriptionGroupIdentifier. I thought that: originalTransactionId does not change in case of upgrade/downgrade, cancellation/re-subscribtion user can see only products within single subscription group A, so if there is a subscription group B, user will not use any products from B (so new originalTransactionId will not be created because we're still within same subscription group) I can see for this user that new originalTransactionId was given when transactionReason was PURCHASE and storefrontId, price and currency have changed in comparison to previous RENEWAL transactions. Can new originalTransactionId be given to the user when purchasing subscription from different country than previously? Thanks a lot for clarification, Best regards, Maria
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I'm trying to sign a macOS application which includes a Endpoint Security system extension. The profile for the extension has capability added and the app profile has the System Extension capability added. Both targets also has the correct entitlements, but when validating the app after archiving I get the following error: "Profile doesn't support Endpoint Security." When looking in the logs I can see that Xcode is fetching a provisioning profile for the extension without the needed capability. If downloading the profile from the developer portal the correct capability is present. Could something be "out of sync" regarding what provisioning profiles Xcode fetches vs what I see on the developer portal? If I try to archive using xcodebuild I get the following: "APP requires a provisioning profile with the System Extension feature." and ""BUNDLE_ID.systemextension" requires a provisioning profile with the Endpoint Security feature." I have tried with automatic and manual signing but nothing seems to work.
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Hello everyone,I am a student who is working on my final project of my college.I do not get an official development account since I do not need to put my app on AppStore. In my project,I need to use the camera of iOS device, and I know I need to add NSCameraUsageDesciption in Info.plist.However, as I add the description in my Info and build my project, it failed and says"Provisioning profile "iOS Team Provisioning Profile: " doesn't include the NSCameraUsageDescription and NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription entitlements." I also notice that in the Info.plist file, when I change the property type to entitlements,I just cannot find NSCameraUsageDescription when I add row. What's the problem?Is this because I am not an official developer?
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I am building plug-ins for audio software. I am using the JUCE framework and I am building with VScode / CMake / Ninja / LLVM I want to package the output, which are two bundles "Sinensis.component" (the AU plugin) and "Sinensis.vst3" (the vst3 plugin) I am using this script : codesign -s "Developer ID Application: $DEVELOPER_ID" --timestamp --force -o runtime -i "$PLUGIN_NAME".component "$PLUGIN_NAME".component/Contents/MacOs/"$PLUGIN_NAME" #--options=runtime pkgbuild --install-location /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components --sign "Developer ID Installer: $DEVELOPER_ID" --timestamp --identifier "$IDENTIFIER"au --version "$VERSION" --root "$PLUGIN_NAME".component "$PLUGIN_NAME"_au.pkg codesign -s "Developer ID Application: $DEVELOPER_ID" --timestamp --force -o runtime -i "$PLUGIN_NAME".vst3 "$PLUGIN_NAME".vst3/Contents/MacOs/"$PLUGIN_NAME" #--options=runtime pkgbuild --install-location /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST3 --sign "Developer ID Installer: $DEVELOPER_ID" --timestamp --identifier "$IDENTIFIER"vst3 --version "$VERSION" --root "$PLUGIN_NAME".vst3 "$PLUGIN_NAME"_vst3.pkg productbuild --synthesize --package "$PLUGIN_NAME"_au.pkg --package "$PLUGIN_NAME"_vst3.pkg distribution.xml productbuild --distribution distribution.xml --resources Resources/ "$PLUGIN_NAME".pkg productsign --sign "Developer ID Installer: $DEVELOPER_ID" "$PLUGIN_NAME".pkg "$PLUGIN_NAME"_installer.pkg --timestamp xcrun notarytool submit --keychain-profile "thomas" "$PLUGIN_NAME"_installer.pkg --wait xcrun stapler staple "$PLUGIN_NAME"_installer.pkg feeding it Sinensis "Thomas Xxxxxx (<personal identifier>)" <indentifier for the package> 101 I am using --force because of a post on the juce forum that I strangely cannot link to here. tl;dr the binary is signed at the build stage and need --force to overwrite with my signature But it ends up with error 65 Conducting pre-submission checks for Sinensis_installer.pkg and initiating connection to the Apple notary service... Submission ID received   id: 38ba301b-f857-4408-b665-9e11e8647ca1 Upload progress: 100,00 % (6,10 MB of 6,10 MB)    Successfully uploaded file   id: 38ba301b-f857-4408-b665-9e11e8647ca1   path: /Users/thomas/Desktop/Sinensis_installer.pkg Waiting for processing to complete. Current status: Invalid............ Processing complete   id: 38ba301b-f857-4408-b665-9e11e8647ca1   status: Invalid Processing: /Users/thomas/Desktop/Sinensis_installer.pkg CloudKit query for Sinensis_installer.pkg (1/dc8136b4b82a4e9c9f7b5e6064238488e97f04ad) failed due to "Record not found". Could not find base64 encoded ticket in response for 1/dc8136b4b82a4e9c9f7b5e6064238488e97f04ad The staple and validate action failed! Error 65. Looking at the log via xcrun notarytool log return {   "logFormatVersion": 1,   "jobId": "75fa5853-d19d-42a5-9069-4ed0d8f735be",   "status": "Invalid",   "statusSummary": "Archive contains critical validation errors",   "statusCode": 4000,   "archiveFilename": "Sinensis_installer.pkg",   "uploadDate": "2024-04-19T10:11:07.372Z",   "sha256": "da6457f73d1b93995392f844a25f4b9bc9750eac0555ae72854b14e270e32685",   "ticketContents": null,   "issues": [     {       "severity": "error",       "code": null,       "path": "Sinensis_installer.pkg/Sinensis_au.pkg Contents/Payload/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/Contents/MacOS/Sinensis",       "message": "The signature of the binary is invalid.",       "docUrl": "",       "architecture": "arm64"     },     {       "severity": "error",       "code": null,       "path": "Sinensis_installer.pkg/Sinensis_vst3.pkg Contents/Payload/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST3/Contents/MacOS/Sinensis",       "message": "The signature of the binary is invalid.",       "docUrl": "",       "architecture": "arm64"     }   ] } codesign -vvv --deep --strict Sinensis.vst3 returns Sinensis.vst3: valid on disk Sinensis.vst3: satisfies its Designated Requirement pkgutil --check-signature Sinensis_installer.pkg returns Package "Sinensis_installer.pkg": Status: signed by a developer certificate issued by Apple for distribution Signed with a trusted timestamp on: 2024-04-19 10:21:59 +0000 Certificate Chain: 1. Developer ID Installer: Thomas Guillory (53B2GD4XYM) Expires: 2027-02-01 22:12:15 +0000 SHA256 Fingerprint: E8 D7 4A 6D CD 19 56 A2 39 C9 15 00 09 06 EA 98 01 B0 AF 85 59 AA AE 26 71 89 56 9B 54 EF 48 B3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2. Developer ID Certification Authority Expires: 2027-02-01 22:12:15 +0000 SHA256 Fingerprint: 7A FC 9D 01 A6 2F 03 A2 DE 96 37 93 6D 4A FE 68 09 0D 2D E1 8D 03 F2 9C 88 CF B0 B1 BA 63 58 7F ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3. Apple Root CA Expires: 2035-02-09 21:40:36 +0000 SHA256 Fingerprint: B0 B1 73 0E CB C7 FF 45 05 14 2C 49 F1 29 5E 6E DA 6B CA ED 7E 2C 68 C5 BE 91 B5 A1 10 01 F0 24 I tried to unpack the .pkg using pacifist as recommended in multiple thread but the bundle wasn't recognized as such, I may have not follow the correct procedure. I've read the man page for productbuild, codesign and productsign. I've also read the MacOS code signing technical note althought I didn't understood everything clearly (especially on the nested part, which seems relevant). The closest thing I could find was this forum post but the bundles seems to be correctly seen by MacOs as a bundle and not as a folder I really lost at this point may Eskimo come shed some enlightenment on my poor newbie soul 🙏 Have a nice day !
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Hi all, I got this error from test flight /System/Library/Frameworks/_PassKit_SwiftUI.framework/_PassKit_SwiftUI _$s16_PassKit_SwiftUI03AddA14ToWalletButtonVAA0cD09EmptyViewVRszrlE6actionACyAFGyyc_tcfC _$s16_PassKit_SwiftUI03AddA14ToWalletButtonVMn _$s16_PassKit_SwiftUI03AddA14ToWalletButtonVyxG0cD04ViewAAMc _$s16_PassKit_SwiftUI03AddA19ToWalletButtonStyleV5blackACvgZ _$s16_PassKit_SwiftUI03AddA19ToWalletButtonStyleVMa _$s7SwiftUI4ViewP09_PassKit_aB0E03addD19ToWalletButtonStyleyQrAD03AdddghiJ0VF _$s7SwiftUI4ViewP09_PassKit_aB0E03addD19ToWalletButtonStyleyQrAD03AdddghiJ0VFQOMQ I removed support for MacOS and Vision Pro I tried to add Passkit and SwiftUI . framework But I got other error when I try to upload to test flight Xcode 15.3 Do you have some suggestion? thanks
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Hello, I would like to change the aspect (scale, texture, color) of a 3D element (Model Entity) when I hovered it with my eyes. What should I do If I want to create a request for this feature? And how would I know if it will ever be considered or when it will appear?

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