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I prepare an app to migrate from ObservableObject to Observable, from EnvironmentObject to Environment(MyClass.self) and so so forth. That works OK, very simple. But, that forces to run on macOS 14 or more recent. So I would like to have it conditionally, such as: if macOS 14 available @Environment(ActiveConfiguration.self) var activeConfiguration: ActiveConfiguration otherwise @EnvironmentObject var activeConfiguration: ActiveConfiguration The same for the class declaration: if macOS 14 available @Observable class ActiveConfiguration { var config = Configuration() } otherwise class ActiveConfiguration : ObservableObject { @Published var config = Configuration() } Is there a way to achieve this (I understand it is not possible through extensions of Macros, as we can do for modifiers) ? Could I define 2 classes for ActiveConfiguration, but then what about @Environment ?
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I got this SSML from w3. org. AVSpeechUtterance(ssmlRepresentation:) is not complying with the contour. It doesn't change hz. <?xml version="1.0"?> <speak version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="" xml:lang="en-US"> <prosody contour="(0%,+20Hz) (10%,+30%) (40%,+10Hz)"> good morning </prosody> </speak> override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() guard let localUtterance = AVSpeechUtterance(ssmlRepresentation: self.speechSML) else { print("SML did not work.") return } self.utterance = localUtterance self.utterance.voice = self.voiceNoelle } self.synthesizer.speak(self.utterance)
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The error "Address validation failed. Please update the legal entity address" is encountered when attempting to rectify the issue. However, efforts to resolve this problem lead to another issue: "We are currently unable to process your request. Please try again later."
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Hello, I'm unsure what option to select when it comes up to specify what type of encryption my app is using and if en export compliance is required to distribute my app in France. The app is using SSL certificates to communicate with a connected device, such as https works. I have to select one of the following options: Encryption algorithms that are proprietary or not accepted as standard by international standard bodies (IEEE, IETF, ITU, etc.) Standard encryption algorithms instead of, or in addition to, using or accessing the encryption within Apple's operating system Both algorithms mentioned above None of the algorithms mentioned above Does SSL (RSA, SHA-1, etc.) falls under A) "standard encryption algorithms" or is that something that is provided by default on the OS and falls under B) "accessing the encryption within Apple's operating system" ?? If B) I would need to check the "None of the algorithms"-option because I do not use standard encryption "instead of, or in addtion to", only OS provided encryption. Am I right? Or does SSL is not used as standard in the OS and falls under A) ??
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We couldn't find a descriptive reply for the following and we wanted to get additional feedback. We've received a notification about using ApplePayRecurringPaymentRequest in Apple Pay JavaScript for recurring, installment and unscheduled payments. On the page ( we found a new object (see whole object below) and there are some questions about using and filling the parameters. I hope you will help us for making understanding. The ApplePayRecurringPaymentRequest should be sent only in initial operation? A phrase "required" is meant the parameter is mandatory? Where can we take the lenth for each field? Parameter regularBilling is applied for recurring, installment and unscheduled payments? Parameter trialBilling is applied only for recurring payments? If we sent the regularBilling or trialBilling Apple Pay will authorize a payment automatically without merchant's actions? In which cases do we have to fill ApplePayLineItemType with value “pending”? Parameter amount is whole sum of all payments or current only? Parameter paymentTiming with value: 9.1 "immediate" - when does payment occur when the transaction is complete and sequent payments will occur only after merchant's actions? 9.2. "recurring" - what the different with "immediate"? 9.3. "deferred" - who and how will provide these payments in the future? 9.4. "automaticReload" - when should we use this value? (in description it's not clear) If merchant can't provide recurringPaymentStartDate and recurringPaymentEndDate can we leave them blank or not send? If merchant can't provide recurringPaymentIntervalCount can we leave them blank or not send? Could you describe the usecase with using deferredPaymentDate? Could you describe the usecase with using automaticReloadPaymentThresholdAmount? Is billingAgreement mandatory parameter? Can billingAgreement contain URL on agreement? Is managementURL mandatory parameter? What actions can user make on page via managementURL? And which cases are mandatory? Is tokenNotificationURL mandatory parameter? In which cases will we receive a request via tokenNotificationURL? What kind of params specification should be in tokenNotificationURL (names, lenth, type, mandatory)? dictionary ApplePayRecurringPaymentRequest {required DOMString paymentDescription; required ApplePayLineItem regularBilling; dictionary ApplePayLineItem Unknown macro: { ApplePayLineItemType type; DOMString label; DOMString amount; ApplePayPaymentTiming paymentTiming; Date recurringPaymentStartDate; ApplePayRecurringPaymentDateUnit recurringPaymentIntervalUnit; unsigned long recurringPaymentIntervalCount; Date recurringPaymentEndDate; Date deferredPaymentDate; DOMString automaticReloadPaymentThresholdAmount; }; ApplePayLineItem trialBilling; dictionary ApplePayLineItem; DOMString billingAgreement; required DOMString managementURL; DOMString tokenNotificationURL;};
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I'm setting up subscriptions on the App Store and need to fill out some forms. One of them is the "U.S. Certificate of Foreign Status of Beneficial Owner." At the bottom of the form, I see a label 'U.S. Person' with my name listed underneath it. What does "U.S. Person" mean here? My name appears below the "U.S. Person" title, but I'm not a U.S. person. What should I do? Also, what title should I enter? I'm the only developer on the app.
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Hi, I'm an indie developer trying to make a 2D prototype of a simple game where I have to drag and drop items from one box to another. I have so far implemented a working prototype with the .draggable ( function which works well in the simulator, but as soon as I use my vision pro, the finger pinch action doesn't register half the time. I can only select the object around 30% of the time. My code is as follows. DiskView(size: diskSize, rod: rodIndex) .draggable(DiskView(size: diskSize, rod: rodIndex)) .hoverEffect() I have also registered DiskView as a UTType and have it able to be transferred around. The business logic works, just the pinch gesture does not work half the time.
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We have a question about tracking domains: If we found a tracking domain in our app(eg.""), but not put it into the PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy -> tracking domain list (refer to, will iOS auto block the connection of this domain even when the tracking permission is granted? At the current time, the answer seems to be NO, but we are not sure about the situation in the future. Add this is the test result: tracking domains added + tracking permission granted -> not blocked tracking domains added + tracking permission not granted -> blocked tracking domains not added + tracking permission granted -> not blocked tracking domains not added + tracking permission not granted -> not blocked So it there any suggestion about the question? Thanks!
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I have used [[NSDistributedNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver in process AA to listen notification from other process BB, It works fine. But when make the observer process AA as a launch daemon (which is started by launchd), It found below difference. If run process BB as root privilege, AA can not receive notification posted by BB. If make process BB as a launch daemon, AA can receive notification posted by BB. What was happened in above difference, It can not find any document about this, Thanks.
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After the 'present' method is called in SKOverlay, the system will first load the SKOverlay and do the present animation after loading is complete. However, the user may leave the page during the loading process. At this time, we will call the 'dismiss' method (at this time, SKO may not have appeared, or SKO may be doing the appearance animation). According to my online statistics, there are some situations. a. SKO did not display (this is as expected) b. SKO suddenly appeared quickly and then disappeared after leaving the page for a while c. SKO displayed after leaving the page and did not disappear automatically. Do we have a way to completely solve problems b and c? Why can't dismissOverlayInScene completely stop the previous SKO's present task now? I would greatly appreciate it if I could get more information here to deal with this problem.
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I was submit my application on 7 Mar 2024. After that I got rejected on 8 Mar 2024. I fixed and and ask for review again. But until now I still not see any response from Apple. I was contact support via email but they say "need more time for review". I was cancel the submission and submit again on 8 April but still got nothing. The app still "In Review". Does anyone has any idea? :(
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If I set an input text box connected to a datalist-options, in order to suggest pre-coded values, this is what happens: The text field shows properly. When I start typing, one or more coincident "options" from the datalist are shown at the bottom of the available screen. When one option is selected, the data contained in it is NOT transcript to the input field. The same webtest works fine on Ipad mini w/ios 15. Try this simple code, it doesn't work: <label for="browser">Choose your browser from the list:</label> <input list="browsers" name="browser" id="browser"> <datalist id="browsers"> <option value="Edge"> <option value="Firefox"> <option value="Chrome"> <option value="Opera"> <option value="Safari"> </datalist>
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Starting from Xcode 15.3, previously set custom fonts can no longer be found in XIB files. Sometimes they reappear after deleting and setting the font again, but after a while, they disappear again. Can Xcode please be more stable and considerate of the user experience we developers are trying to create? I'm really frustrated.

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