UIDocumentBrowserViewController sees UIManagedDocument-file as a folder

When using UIDocumentBrowserViewController in conjunction with a 'file' created by UIManagedDocument, the 'file' is seen by UIDocumentBrowserViewController as what it really is: a folder. Tapping on the folder shows a subfolder named 'StoreContent', which in turn shows the CoreData generated files ('persistentStore', 'persistenStore.shm' and 'persistentStore.wal'). These are grayed out, and also show the icon of another app.

How would one go about using UIManagedDocument in conjunction with UIDocumentBrowserViewController?

I filed a bug for this on July 30, but this one was ignored so far.


Did you every get a response for this?

Unfortunately not. I gave up on building using that document based stuff. Even if I could get it to work now, it seems very fragile to me, and not something I want to use as a foundation for my app.