Simulator Not Working

I've recently installed x code 15.3, but when I try and open simulator I am unable to select a device. When I navigate through the top menu a few item are active.

One of these (active menu item) is New Simulator: I've tried to add a new simulator. Enter a name, selected a device type, but the drop down menu for OIS Version is not populating. I am leaving paired apple watch off. When I click create nothing happens.

Open Simulator is an option, but there does not list any device when the arrow is clicked.

Any suggestion?

Thanks, Ed.

What does your Xcode > Settings > Platforms tab look like?

It's possible that you need to remove existing simulators and re-install them. Don't just click "Get" next to everything; remove other instances of the same version first so you end up with just one.

This is my Platforms tab, and in this example I would remove the "watchOS 10.4 Simulator", then get "watchOS 10.4".


it worked.


Simulator Not Working