Implementing A Direct Link to App Settings

Howdy, I have a ***** feeling that the answer to my question is "Y'all cain't do that!", but I figure I'll ask, anyway.


We have an app that implements Sign [up|in] with Apple. It does it pretty well, with no password visible to the user, and a pretty smooth UX.

The issue is what happens when users bork their install. We don't think it will happen often, but want to be able to give the user the best way out, if possible.

With the regular (non-SiiA) method, they bonk on a "Forgot Password" button, and the app sends them a new password.

We can't do that, with SiiA. The password is stored in the app (in the keychain, so it's very persistent, and shared across devices), and it would a Very Bad Security Hole, to allow users to simply send a new password to the server (the other method generates a rando in the server), which is what would happen, with our method of handling the password. It would also be equally bad, if the server could simply send a new password to the user, directly to their device (the other method sends an email, based on the sign-in information on the server).

So the user needs to delete their keychain data completely, which we can easily do, but that does not deal with their SiiA stuff, stored on Apple's server.

This is what Apple tells us to do, to delete that.


My question is: Is there a URL scheme that I can use to directly open that panel?

If so, it would allow us to create a screen that helps the user to do all the deletions (on the device, our server, and the Apple server).

Answered by DTS Engineer in 785913022

Is there a URL scheme that I can use to directly open that panel?


I have general advice on this topic in this post.

Many settings show up both some centralised area within Settings and in the app-specific settings, and you could file an enhancement request for Apple to do that with Sign in with Apple. Alternatively, file an ER for a way to open its entry in the the centralised area.

If you do file any bugs about this, post your bug number, just for the record.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + ""

Accepted Answer

Is there a URL scheme that I can use to directly open that panel?


I have general advice on this topic in this post.

Many settings show up both some centralised area within Settings and in the app-specific settings, and you could file an enhancement request for Apple to do that with Sign in with Apple. Alternatively, file an ER for a way to open its entry in the the centralised area.

If you do file any bugs about this, post your bug number, just for the record.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + ""

Thanks. I had assumed that would be the answer, and I think that I may have come up with an acceptable workaround, but we'll see.

You, sir, are an international treasure.

I did submit a feedback item on this: FB13787361

I suggested adding a "Sign in with Apple" line to the app's Settings Screen:

Implementing A Direct Link to App Settings