Capturing the coordinates of an image and locating a second image to those coordinates

              if balloon == yellow1_balloon {
                  soundFile = "Sounds/newblop.wav"
                  balloon.isHidden = true
                  poppedImages.isHidden = false
                  poppedImages.animationImages = ["popyellow-1","popyellow-2","popyellow-3","popyellow-4","popyellow-5","popyellow-6","popyellow-7"]
                      .compactMap({ name in
                      UIImage(named: name)

                  let x:CGFloat = yellow1_balloon.frame.origin.x
                  let y:CGFloat = yellow1_balloon.frame.origin.y
                  poppedImages.frame.origin.x = x
                  poppedImages.frame.origin.y = y
                  poppedImages.animationDuration = 1.0
                  poppedImages.animationRepeatCount = 1

                  score = score + 10
                  scoreLbl.text = String(score)

x,y cordinates are always the same a when yellow1_balloon is first created and not where it ends up after being touched.

Capturing the coordinates of an image and locating a second image to those coordinates