Vision Pro not working on railways

Hi guys, has anyone tried using Vison Pro on train? I was getting "Tracking lost" or "Tracking unavailable" message (don't remember precisely). I could not quite get even Home screen. Home screen was kind of shaky and then as train was moving the Home screen went sideways. I could not make video when looking out of the window, again the same error message. I was trying to look inside, so that there was minimal movement detected by the device, there were no people in front of me, just empty seats, so I was expecting that Vision Pro should be able to lock on the surrounding space, but without any success. I managed to start one app I work on and I started watching movie, but the screen was in place for 30 seconds or so, then started moving around a little bit and then moved sideways flew out of the window and zipped past me and stayed somewhere behind on the track.

Is it possible to switch Vision Pro into a regime, where it could ignore surroundings? Not sure if perhaps Airplane mode could help, but it was very diffcult to even open home screen, settintgs or control center, then I got the error message. It should be relatively simple algorithm to detect if let's say 70% of surroundings is roughly in place and ignore moving scene (like landscape passing in the window).

Apple, please could you fix it or a provide hint within "Tips" how make Vision Pro work inside moving vehicles, if this is already possible? It would be a great Vision Pro usability, if I could watch movies when traveling and then at home do something meaningful, like taking a nap. Thanks.

To have such an unpleasant experience, it is enough to ride an elevator (one of moving vehicles). To solve the problem, the device's motion tracking must rely solely on image sensor data without help from 6DoF (acceleration) HW sensor data.

Overall it's a great platform. It needs some tweaks, but I think in the future, people will buy Macs or computers in general just for specific work tasks or some basic computer tasks. These VR googles might become main stream. If Apple could put 1nm chips in them, reduce cooler space, reduce weight by 20-30%, 50% would be better (not sure if it is possible considering optics (displays, cameras, sensors will get smaller I have no doubt), reduce energy consumption and would overtake personal computers. Leaving aside entertainment, I can imagine architects designing buildings directly on the site and engineers desinging machines using this device as opposed to CAD systems on a PC :-).

Vision Pro not working on railways