Extension views called from ASCredentialProviderViewController prepareInterface cannot be accessible through Keyboard

Any extension views called from ASCredentialProviderViewController -> open func prepareInterface(forPasskeyRegistration registrationRequest: ASCredentialRequest) cannot be accessed through Keyboard (Setting->Accessibility->Keyboards->Full Keyboard Access enabled). I have to manually type the prompted screen once to be able to get focused and continue to use Keyboard. Is it a known issue or I am missing anything? Please suggest. Thanks!

Hey there, could you please capture a screen recording of this issue you're having with Full Keyboard Access not being able to focus on these extension views? This along with any code samples and system diagnostic logs will help immensely in both understanding your issue and addressing it if the behavior is incorrect. You can do that by filling out a report using Feedback Assistant, https://developer.apple.com/bug-reporting/

Extension views called from ASCredentialProviderViewController prepareInterface cannot be accessible through Keyboard