With OS X Sonoma 14.4 update there is no rights to relaunch coreaudiod

Some of installers which we have suddenly become broken for users running the latest version of OS X, I found that the reason was that we install Core Audio HAL driver and because I wanted to avoid system reboot I relaunched coreaudio daemon via from a pkg post-install script.

sudo launchctl kickstart -kp system/com.apple.audio.coreaudiod

So with the OS update the command fails, if a computer has SIP enabled (what is the default).

sudo launchctl kickstart -kp system/com.apple.audio.coreaudiod
Could not kickstart service "com.apple.audio.coreaudiod": 1: Operation not permitted

It would be super nice if either the change can be:

  • reverted OR
  • I and similar people to know a workaround of how to hot-plug (and unplug) such a HAL driver.
Answered by simon_asryan in 782669022
Accepted Answer

I'm just curious what is the real motivation to disable the old way, i.e. how exactly it affect security ?

I provide macOS application and installer with core audio plugin driver. If installer cannot restart coreaudiod, installer ask user to reboot macOS. That is big change on my application.

Thanks. "sudo killall coreaudiod" worked without permission error on my M1 Sonoma 14.4.1. I am not sure why kickstart is prevented and killall is allowed.

Can you please fix this issue apple developers? Sonarworks is not working due to this problem. I don't think new OS is necessary if it is going to kill/terminate what were preserved before. I am not sure what is your purpose of changing OS if majority of people are using your products for other major reasons than Facetime and etc :/ Mac is only getting faster due to increase amount of CPUs and GPUs. I don't think that OS makes a major difference. Make the fix ASAP. I don't even like putting up complaint comments or letters. I even changed my new macbook two times due to some trouble shootings of your faults. I know you work hard and do fast response to complaints but your coding or some sort of OS developers have to be much more considerate next time.

With OS X Sonoma 14.4 update there is no rights to relaunch coreaudiod