"excludeCredentials" restricted to iOS 17.4 in Xcode 15.3

The below code used to compile for iOS 16.0 and above when using Xcode 15.2. Now it seems that ASAuthorizationPlatformPublicKeyCredentialRegistrationRequest.excludeCredentials is only available on iOS 17.4 an above in Xcode 15.3? Is there any reason that's the case?

let request = ASAuthorizationPlatformPublicKeyCredentialProvider(relyingPartyIdentifier: id).createCredentialRegistrationRequest(challenge: challengeData, name: name, userID: userIDData)

// ERROR: 'excludedCredentials' is only available in iOS 17.4 or newer
request.excludedCredentials = registrationOptions.excludeCredentials

I'm surprised to hear that compiled prior to iOS 17.4. We've supported excludedCredentials for security key requests for a while, but the support for excludedCredentials for passkeys on iOS is new in iOS 17.4.

"excludeCredentials" restricted to iOS 17.4 in Xcode 15.3