AppIntent: How to find out which Shortcut trigger offers/requires which parameter types

AppIntens can be used as actions when working with Shortcut Automation. iOS offers a bunch of different triggers to start an automation, such as "Time of Day", "Email", "Transaction", etc.

Depending on the trigger one can then pass different "Shortcut input" values as parameters to the App Intent. While in many cases the expected type is quite obvious, this is not always the case.

An Email type input for example offers Subject, Sender, Recipients, Attachments, Content, Name.

  • Subject will be most likely a String.
  • But is Sender also a String or maybe an IntentPerson?
  • Is Recipients a String (e.g. comma separated) or a collection?
  • Is Attachments a [String], [URL] or [IntentFile]?

How to I find out of which types these inputs have? Is there a better way than guessing and trial and error? The documentation provides very little information about supported types in general and I could find nothing about the types used by different triggers.

Additionally each "Shortcut input" offers it self as parameter. So the Email type input does not only offer Subject, Sender, etc. as input parameters but also Email. What parameter type does an intent need no accept in order to receive on Email object?

Thank you very much for your help.

AppIntent: How to find out which Shortcut trigger offers/requires which parameter types