PDFKit since iPadOS 17.2: Annotations are scaled down when saving file

Dear Developer Community,

My app is saving handwritten notes, forms and images as annotations in PDF documents by using PDFKit.

Since iPadOS 17.2, the content of the annotations within the annotation boundaries is scaled down when saving the annotated PDF file. I.e. the annotation boundaries remain unchanged, but the displayed annotation content shrinks and no longer fills the boundaries. This gets worse with every save operation and applies both to newly created annotations and to elements that were saved before iPadOS 17.2.

This issue only occurred after updating to iPadOS 17.2. The same code on my test device with iPadOS 17.1 works perfectly.

Does anybody have a similar issue and/or found a workaround to solve this problem? Thanks for any idea!

I am experiencing a similar problem in my app, the PDF annotations worked fine, but since iOS 17.2 things are messed up.

Dear Community,

To give you a short and promising update: I discussed about this issue with Apple Developer Support and then finally raised a bug report. With 17.4 Beta, the problem now seems to be resolved. For ink-annotations including UIBezierPaths, obviously some distance between annotation boundary and path boundary is now required to avoid a change in size after saving the PDF. But then it works fine under 17.4. Also for stamp-, circle- and square-annotations, everything seems to be fine again in iOS 17.4 without any need for code modifications.

PDFKit since iPadOS 17.2: Annotations are scaled down when saving file