user-assigned-device-name entitlement - HOW?????

Please help a developer out. If you have gotten the user-assigned-device-name entitlement recently with the new questions, how did you answer the questions? I ask Bard and my app DOES do all of the following and I provided screen shots and it's still rejected.

But the problem is, Apple doesn't tell you WHY??? We have to guess and guess.

Eligibility criteria:

User-facing functionality: Your app must use the user-assigned device name solely for functionality that's visible to the user and allows them to identify their own device.


Multi-device interaction: The functionality must involve interaction between multiple devices that the same user operates.

YES! UI visibility: The user-assigned device name must be visible to the user in your app's UI. You need to provide screenshots of this UI when requesting the entitlement.


I even opened a DTS, they cannot help. So what? just keep guessing and guessing even though I have shown I meet all the eligibility?

user-assigned-device-name entitlement - HOW?????