Xcode SceneKit Scene Editor (and GKEntity)


I've got a question about the Xcode Scene Editor. That is the SceneKit one NOT SpriteKit. According to this documentation: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/scenekit/scnnode/2873004-entity the entity property of a node serialised via the Xcode's scene editor can be set. While the Xcode's SpriteKit Scene Editor has this option I cannot find anything similar in the SceneKit editor. So my question is do *.scn files produced from Xcode contain GameplayKit information such as a GKEntity graph or only SCNNode data? Do I have to parse the scene and programatically create GKEntities? If that is the case there must be an error in the documentation.

Thank you!

Additionally according to this lecture from Apple: https://youtu.be/7ZP5Sz4eRCI?t=2795

you should be able to assign a GKEntity to a node. This does not appear to be the case. Is this a bug with Xcode?

Xcode SceneKit Scene Editor (and GKEntity)