Make GeneratedAssetSymbols.h Public

Is it possible to make generated asset symbols (ASSETCATALOG_COMPILER_GENERATE_ASSET_SYMBOLS and/or ASSETCATALOG_COMPILER_GENERATE_SWIFT_ASSET_SYMBOL_EXTENSIONS) public so that they can be used by targets that import the framework defining them?

I second this one!

We have a use case where one of our internal dependencies hosts the Asset catalog and, since the GeneratedAssetSymbols are internal, it's not visible to other targets that use the framework containing the assets as a dependency.

A new build settings seems like a good place to add this behaviour.

Another +1 here!

I also support this, its a great feature but very limiting to be only internal. At least provide us with a build setting flag to make the extension public so it can be internal by default and only made public in these use cases.

Was really surprised that Apple still has not fixed this.

We also need the GeneratedAssetSymbols extensions to be public as the asset catalogs are in a shared framework used by multiple targets and widget extensions.

One more +1!

+1, that would be super useful!

Make GeneratedAssetSymbols.h Public