Low volume levels over USB-C adapter

We are developing an app that uses external hardware to measure analogue hearing-loop performance . It uses audio jack on phone/iPad. With the new hardware on iPad using USB-C , we have noticed that the same input , one with lighting adapter and one with usb-C adapter - both produce way different input levels.

The USB-C is ~23dB lower, with the same code and settings. That's almost 10x difference.

Is there any way to control the USB-C adapter? am I missing something ? The code simply uses AVAudioInputNode and block attached to it via self.inputNode.installTap we do adjust gain to 1.0 let gain: Float = 1.0 try session.setInputGain(gain)

But that still does not help.

I wish there was an apple lab I could go to , to speak to engineers about it.

Low volume levels over USB-C adapter