I broke my Xcode 15 beta

I successfully downloaded the beta and it ran fine with a new project for visionOS, just the Hello World. So, today I thought I would see if I could run my 20-year-old iPad app, which I haven't touched since then. I tried to get it running, but I was getting errors that I couldn't figure out. Eventually, I got an internal error asking me to submit a report, which I did. I looked at the logs and tried to figure out how to get it running, making changes here and there. Eventually I broke Xcode, so I uninstalled it using CleanMyMacX and redownloaded it and tried to reinstall it. This time it didn't ask for permission to access the Downloads folder. I created a new project, but keep getting an error about failing to get RealityKit. I uninstalled it again and am downloading again. Does anyone know what I might be doing wrong?

  • The error is Command RealityAssetsCompile failed with a nonzero exit code

  • I was able to fix this. Uninstalled Xcode. Rebooted. Reinstalled Xcode. This time the dialog came up for installing additional pieces. Xcode now runs fine

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