Sample Code for visionOS Metal?

There is a project tutorial for visionOS Metal rendering in immersive mode here (, but there is no downloadable sample project. Would Apple please provide sample code? The set-up is non-trivial.

I submitted feedback: FB12419476 (Sample Code Needed for visionOS with Metal)

I finally got this running. Where are you getting hung up, maybe I can help. The biggest thing I'm struggling with now is how to actually render custom models/etc in the world vs. fully immersive.


Check out the Xcode template project options for a visionOS app.

For the Immersive Space Renderer you have a choice of Metal, RealityKit or None.

If you choose Metal and proceed an Xcode project is generated using the Compositor Services framework. The project is similar to the article and lacks a few features.

Does this suffice? What more would you seek from sample code project w.r.t. FB12419476 (Sample Code Needed for visionOS with Metal)?

I'm struggling to get depth buffering working in the visionOS simulator. Nothing seems to work.

Sample Code for visionOS Metal?