CSV files and their usefulness in Data Storage - SwiftUI and Xcode 16 - An important Question?

Although possibly frowned upon, collections of data are commonly input into spreadsheets and this remains, and probably alway will, the main means of data collection and storage rather than databases for scientists everywhere.

It is necessary, therefore, to ascertain ways in which data acquired and stored through these means can be successfully extracted and put in a format which can be displayed using modern means of technology.

Mobile phones and Tablets are commonly and increasingly being used to access and display data. However, the means by which these data are transferred are through Databases which may not be appealing to some who use spreadsheets to acquire and store their data.

The important question is: Is there some straightforward means by which spreadsheet data (perhaps comma separated value (csv) files) can be read by the latest SwiftUI and Xcode 16 formats?

This would be an enormous advantage to those who update files of data regularly.

If this is so, then I will gladly spend the time to learn the nomenclature and structural language necessary to implement a simple app to display some rather complex data. I have scanned the forum for satisfactory suggestions to this problem but it seems that the software has moved on but the problem remains.

Kind Regards,

I can’t really address the SwiftUI side of this, but Apple does have a framework for dealing with CSV data, namely, TabularData. For more information on that, see the links in TabularData Resources.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
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CSV files and their usefulness in Data Storage - SwiftUI and Xcode 16 - An important Question?