No metadata displayed on AppleTV while AirPlaying

During the video playback with the AVPlayer, our iOS and AppleTV apps set AVPlayerItem externalMetadata. Additionaly, the iOS app also sets the default MPNowPlayingInfoCenter nowPlayingInfo. The apps also register to MPRemoteCommands.

What works: The iOS NowPlayingInfo center is properly filled with the metadata, the remote commands work well and on AppleTV, using the AVPlayerViewController, the info tab shows the content metadata.

Problem: when AirPlaying the content to an AppleTV, the stream is properly played but no metadata are displayed on the AppleTV.

I've tried to set nowPlayingInfo on the avPlayerItem or using an MPNowPlayingSession (new with iOS/tvOS 16) but with no luck.

Can someone help me display the playerItem metadata on the AirPlay device?

I am having the same issue. Additionally, I can't AirPlay directly to a Samsung TV. It shows the title for a couple seconds and then it goes to the AirPlay onboarding screen.

No metadata displayed on AppleTV while AirPlaying