MinuteWeather summary property returns empty string

I've been unable to get MinuteWeather to return anything for the summary property -- it used to return a nil value which was fixed in a previous beta, but now it always returns an empty string. The rest of the MinuteWeather data returns as expected.

Example call:

let latitude = 37.323
let longitude = -122.032

Task {
    let weatherData = WeatherData.shared
    let minutely = await weatherData.minutelyForecast(for: CLLocation(latitude: latitude, longitude: longitude))
    guard let minutelyWeather = minutely else {
      print("WeatherKit minutely data unavailable")

    print(minutelyWeather.summary) // This returns ""

WeatherData class:

class WeatherData: NSObject {

    static let shared = WeatherData()
    private let service = WeatherService.shared

    func minutelyForecast(for location: CLLocation) async -> WeatherKit.Forecast<MinuteWeather>? {

        let minuteWeather = await Task.detached(priority: .userInitiated) {

            let forecast = try? await self.service.weather(for: location, including: .minute)

            return forecast


        return minuteWeather
Post not yet marked as solved Up vote post of Insleep Down vote post of Insleep


Please file a bug report through Feedback Assistant (https://developer.apple.com/bug-reporting) and post the feedback number here, so that the engineering team can take a look.

A bug report has been filed for this issue: FB11500541.

This issue still persists in Xcode 14.1 RC and iOS 16.1/Ventura 13.0. I believe I'm accessing the property correctly; am I missing something obvious here?