printInteractionController choosePaper called multiple times with iPadOS15

I am having problems printing a pdf file in an iPad app when running iPadOS15 or later. With previous iPadOS versions, the choosePaper delegate method is called just once, and is called with a paperList of several valid entries (30 in the case of my printer). Since iPadOS 15, the call is made numerous times. Firstly, it is called a few time with 0 entries in the paperList. Then it is called with the correct number (30 in my case) of entries. But then it is called several more times, with just 1 (and incorrect) entry in the paperList. Has anyone else come across this?

There are definitely bugs in this area in iOS 15+ (and iOS 16+). What I am seeing is the delegate call is made with 1 entry on the initial call, and then 0 entries on all subsequent calls. This all worked perfectly in iOS 14 and earlier.

I have tried numerous work-arounds without success. For example, I've tried saving the selected paper on the first call - and then returning the same paper on subsequent calls. This doesn't work because the orientation is incorrectly applied if you do this.

Can you let me know if you figured out any work arounds OR you raised this formally as a bug with Apple?

Late to the party, but we are encountering this as well. I used to be able to save the paper from one of the calls but this is not working anymore. In Mac Catalyst, choosePaper is not even called anymore.

printInteractionController choosePaper called multiple times with iPadOS15