SiriKit Media Synonyms

I have a live music app to play live recordings from artists like the Grateful Dead and I'd like to add SiriKit support to it. When users refer to "albums" in my app, they would likely say "show", "recording", or "concert".

I've been testing INPlayMediaIntent and when I say "Play an album by the Grateful Dead in Live Music Archive", Siri returns the proper INMediaSearch with mediaType = album and artistName = Grateful Dead.

When I say "Play a show/recording by the Grateful Dead in Live Music Archive", Siri sets the mediaName = "Grateful Dead" and nothing else. concert is a bit better, but still not very useful.

Is it possible to configure synonyms for "album" so when Siri parses the speech, "show" / "concert" / "recording" will all resolve to "album"?