Could not download IOS Simulator Xcode 12.4

Macbook Air M1, get the error in Xcode 12.4:

Could not download and install IOS 12.0 Simulator. Failed to download package from ADC. There are no valid accounts registered with Xcode that have the ability to access this resource. Contact Apple Developer Program Support to resolve account access issues.

I have never had this error on the previous Xcode and Macbook on intel chip. Please can you tell me how to solve it.

Ensure you're signed in to your Apple Developer account in Xcode's Preferences window. If you are and still receive this message, then follow-up on the error as directed and contact the Developer Program support team about your account access issue.
Thank you so much. I have signed im Preferences => Accounts => added my apple ID and still can not to install new simulators. Write a few days ago to Developer Program support, but nobody answered me.
I try signed-in, restart the system, still simulator download failing.
Im facing same issue

I experiencing the same thing. "Could not download and install iOS 14.0 Simulator. The request timed out." It's been going on for days. I was able to download 13.0, but that might have just been momentary luck.

Anyone get this figured out?

There is an answer here that worked for other, but not for me.

However, after manually creating the Downloads folder


I went back to Xcode and it started downloading the simulator. Please check if this works for you as well.

I am also facing this issue

I also faced same issue Run xCode using sudo /Applications/ from terminal and then download the simulator

My issue was fixed

I tried to open with sudo from the terminal. Though the download started but in after almost 60% of downloading the same error occurred. That happened a couple of times. This was frustrating really, it consumed a lot of time plus no result. Please look into this kind of issues team

I am also facing the issue.

anybody help?where was the official team?

Following has fixed this issue for me.

#1 Login with your apple id from Xcode => Preferences => Accounts #2 After step 1 from same screen click on "Manage Certificates" and then "+" icon to add one #3 Try again with Simulator installation from components.

  1. open term
  2. sudo /Applications/
  3. Xcode - preferences - components
  4. download simulator
  5. cancel download simulator
  6. copy download url from term
  7. open safari
  8. download simulator
  9. move to ~/Library/Caches/
  10. restart Xcode
  1. use speedwagon to download simulator runtime

  1. follow the doc, use xcrun simctl runtime add to install dmg

In my case I am facing the following issue:

Failed with HTTP status 400: bad request
Domain: DataGatheringNSURLSessionDelegate

I solved it by deleting the files from ~/Library/Caches/ folder.

Hi Everyone,

I was following this issue and what worked for me is the following:

  • Go to the URL:
  • You will be asked to login with your developer account.
  • Download "iOS 17 Simulator Runtime". With Chrome, you also might get download paused but be patient. Eventually after a long time it will downloaded as Chrome has better built in tolerance to resume downloads.

  • Run the following command:
xcrun simctl runtime add "Path to downloaded dmg file"
e.g. xcrun simctl runtime add "~Downloads/iOS_17_Simulator_Runtime.dmg" 

And after that you should be able to continue with your app development. I hope it helps you

With Regards Saurabh

The simplest solution is to just sign in into your apple account on Xcode and launch back the download.

Follow the steps

  1. Xcode -> Settings -> Account -> Add account using the + icon
  2. Using the top tab for the same window select "Platform" then download the simulator

Now you are good to go.

Could not download IOS Simulator Xcode 12.4