StoreKit testing: local dates are written as UTC dates in generated receipts

I use Xcode StoreKit Testing on the Simulator to test auto-renewable subscriptions.

After a purchase, I parse the receipt. I noticed that purchaseDate, subscriptionExpirationDate (and cancellationDate if cancelled later) are all reported as UTC dates in the receipt even though they are local dates. So all dates are wrong by the offset of the local time zone towards UTC.

I've verified with two independent ASN.1 receipt parsing libraries ( and which has a nice Mac demo app) and even converted the purchase_date_ms/expires_date_ms/cancellation_date_ms that all confirm the 1h offset (I'm on CET which is UTC +1).

I can't imagine doing anything wrong in my code since the receipt is generated by the StoreKit Testing system.

Is this is known issue? (logged as FB8999149)