Integrate a .NET dll or CPP compiled library in Xcode project iOS/macOS

Hi, I need to integrate a library that has both .NET and CPP versions, but I don't have access to the source code. What's the better option .NET DLL or CPP .a files? is that even possible?

My third option would be to create a cli helper using either the .NET or the CPP version, and have the main App communicate with the helper, but I don't know how to approach that either.

The library needs to be built to support our platforms. You can't just take a DLL and use it on macOS or iOS, and even with a static library (the .a), it needs to be built specifically for our platforms. The supported way for distributing pre-compiled static libraries is through an XCFramework, which your library vendor needs to create for you.
Integrate a .NET dll or CPP compiled library in Xcode project iOS/macOS