I am not able to create certificate for pass via rest api

I am trying to automate PASS_TYPE_ID certificate creation via AppleConnect API, I cannot find what parameters I should use to be able to create this type of certificate.

When I try to POST this data to https://api.appstoreconnect.apple.com/v1/certificates:
{'data': {'attributes': {'certificateType': 'PASS_TYPE_ID', 'csrContent': '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST----------END CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----\n'}, 'type': 'certificates'}}

I get this error:
{'errors': [{'code': 'NOTFOUND',
'detail': "There is no identifier with ID 'null' on this team.",
'id': '5c9f7d3c-ce75-43a4-b3ac-b295a8f146db',
'status': '404',
'title': 'The specified resource does not exist'}]}

From OpenAPI spec is not clear what parameters should be used and 'certificateType': 'PASS
TYPE_ID' is not covered there.

Do you have idea or example how to do it?

Creating PAAS certificates is not supported via API and must be done manually - confirmed with support - unfortunately

I am having the same issue, and after going back and forth with Support several times, they told me to ask in this forum.

Sad to read it's not supported.

Maybe any of the Apple employees reading this could provide an estimate of when will that feature be available (if at all)?

ARGH! I've been working on this for 2 days. This is the first time I saw a post confirming that this is not supported by the API. Drats.

Well I hope it comes soon.

Hi xtom.vavra,

Please update your request to include the following objects:

 "relationships": {
      "passTypeId": {
        "data": {
          "type": "passTypeIds",
          "id": "<PASS_TYPE_ID>"

Where the <PASS_TYPE_ID> is the Wallet pass type ID as a string value. We've noted (r. 126354804) to update the documentation on App Store Connect API to reflect this expectation.



I am not able to create certificate for pass via rest api