How do I play spotify through a bluetooth headset?

How do I play spotify through my bluetooth headset? After upgrading, spotify only plays through my iphone even if the bluetooth headset is already connected. No option on spotify to play through the headset either.

Seems like a user-centric question for Apple's public community support forums or Apple support via twitter, rather than here in the developer forums.

Good luck.

You need to select device. When in spofity, swipe up and you should see you headphones, mine say Power beats wireless. Or play song and at bottom of screen it will say "devices avaible" tap it, and choose your one.


I am wondering 1 thing is you know how to use Google!

Spotify Premium on GameStoreMobi.Com has support for listening to music via Bluetooth.

You can use Spotify premium APK on GameStoremobi.Com to be able to listen to Spotify music using Bluetooth.

Link download:

You can use the Spotify App from to enjoy Spotify music with Bluetooth connectivity.

How do I play spotify through a bluetooth headset?